Where Xavier was warm and open and Dominic seemed to burn hot, Tristan just seems cold by comparison. A different kind of intense that leaves me fighting the urge to shiver.

He’s every bit as handsome as the other two, bearded, with shaggy dark hair that falls into his eyes a little bit. A scar cuts across his right eyebrow and down his cheek, the skin roughened and slightly darker than the rest of his complexion. But despite the prominence of the mark, it doesn’t take anything away from his looks. If anything, it just adds to the whole rugged and brooding thing he seems to have going on.

Interestingly, where Xavier and Dominic’s scents seemed to suit their personalities, I’m hit with a wash of sweetness from him. Like freshly baked cinnamon rolls and toasted almond croissants. It sparks a longing in me, my hands itching to knead dough and dust sugar.

Tristan comes closer, even closer than Dominic did, looming over me with his tall, muscular frame. My breath catches in my throat, and I feel sure that all three of them can hear my heart slamming against my ribs at this point. He still doesn’t say anything, just standing there silently, giving me nothing to go on. It’s scary, honestly, having this much of an Alpha’s focus, but I can’t deny that he’s hot and the power he has so casually makes my mouth a little dry.

The moment stretches on for what feels like forever, and I don’t blink, I barely even breathe.

Then finally, Tristan looks away. He glances at the other two and grunts, jerking his head in a nod.

Xavier breaks into a grin, and the warmth of it thaws some of the ice leftover from the interaction—if you could call it that—with Tristan. It’s easier to focus on him anyway, and to let his good humor soothe my anxiety over all of this.

“That’s that then. I knew the two of them would see reason.” He winks at me and my cheeks flush with color. Great. I was doing so well, too.

“If that’s everything, we’re busy,” Dominic says, his tone short and brooking no argument.

Xavier huffs a laugh and rolls his eyes, gesturing for me to follow him. “Let me walk you out, Ms. Dalton.”

I nod gratefully, ready to be done with this conference room and the other two Alphas. I turn back just a bit as I follow Xavier out, struck by the way Dominic and Tristan look in the light that pours in from the wall of windows. They look almost regal as they go back to their meeting, strong and powerful, and I have to tear my eyes away so I can hurry after Xavier.

Out in the hall with the door closed, I breathe a small sigh of relief.

“You did great,” Xavier tells me, like he can read my emotions all over my face. Maybe he can. “Getting past the two of them was the biggest hurdle. At least until the work starts.”

“I think I’ll be grateful for the work,” I manage. “At least that’s more familiar.”

He laughs, shaking his head. “Don’t worry. They’ll warm up to you. Now that this has been the longest job interview in the history of job interviews, let’s get you out of here.”

We walk back toward the elevator so I can take it down to the ground floor. As we go, Xavier flips into details mode.

“So, as we discussed, you’ll start on Monday. It’s a nine to five sort of thing, unless we’re under the gun, then it might turn into eight to eight or seven to ten. But that’s pretty rare, and we try not to have our staff pushing those kinds of hours if we can help it. For Monday, get here a little early so you can fill out paperwork and get oriented in the office.”

I try to keep myself focused on what he’s saying, knowing it’s important information, but my head swims a bit, making it harder than it should be. It’s coming down from the adrenaline of this strange morning, combined with the way I can smell Xavier so clearly in this hallway. On top of that, I still have the scents of the other two Alphas lingering, like proximity to them has left their scents on me.

Either that, or the scent of them is just so ingrained in this place, as if they’ve scented it and left their mark to show it’s theirs and theirs alone.

Whatever the reason, it’s a lot, and I feel dizzy with it. Cinnamon and nuts mix with dark chocolate and spice, and over it all is the fresh mint and coconut smell of Xavier. It’s such a heady mix, and it makes my mouth water.

I put a hand out to the wall to steady myself and go to take a deep breath, which is a mistake. My head is overwhelmed with mint and coconut and whipped cream, although it barely drowns out the other scents.

I look up and all I see is Xavier, gazing at me with concern on his handsome face.

“Are you all right?” he asks, reaching out like he wants to help steady me.

“Yeah,” I say quickly, moving back, away from that hand. If he touches me, it’s only going to get worse. “I mean, yes. I’m fine. Just tired.” I force a laugh and hit the button for the elevator, praying it will come quickly. “It’s been a long morning.”

“I get that,” Xavier says, nodding. “But I wouldn’t have hired you if I didn’t think you could do it. Just don’t lose that spark I see in you, and you’ll be fine.”

I nod back, and a few seconds later the elevator dings and the doors slide open. I could weep with relief as I step inside and mash the button to take me to the ground floor and out of here.

“See you on Monday,” Xavier says, waving as the doors close.

I wave back until he’s out of sight and then slump against the cool metal wall of the elevator. It’s easier to breathe in here, at least, and I put a hand over my thundering heart. I told Xavier I was fine, but alone in here I have to wonder if that’s actually true.

I needed a job, needed one desperately. To the point where it was starting to look appealing to see if the local diner was hiring waitresses. This job is the best option I have, but all I can do is hope it wasn’t a mistake. It feels like playing with fire, working for three Alphas who are each powerful in their own right and who have such overpowering scents.

Because the truth is, I lied about one thing in my interview. One very big thing.