“Don’t worry about it. Do you want to get out of here? It’s about that time, and I don’t want to look at any more work today.”
That makes her laugh softly. “So you mean you and the other two aren’t going to end up on some conference call with clients in Japan or something?”
“Not if I can help it.” I usher her to the door of the office, and we head down to the lobby where Dominic and Tristan are already waiting.
We get in the car, and I smirk, looking at the other two Alphas. “Guess what our wife did today,” I start.
“Oh, don’t,” Penelope says, covering her face with her hands.
“Hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I told you, it’s about time you started doing it anyway.”
Dominic arches a brow, looking at Penelope with something like heat in his eyes. “What did you do?” he asks her.
“It’s his fault.” She points at me. “He’s the one who told me to get stuff for my nest.”
“I did. I didn’t say do it to the tune of almost a million dollars, but no one can deny you deserve it.”
Tristan and Dominic both look surprised at that, and Penelope’s cheeks go pink.
“Most of it is for my nest!” she says quickly. “I found these really soft pillows and these blankets that came in really good colors. I just want it to be comfortable.”
“As it should be,” Dominic agrees. “Although I know you didn’t spend that much on pillows.”
“No,” she admits. “There were some other things too.”
“Our Penelope went on a shopping spree this afternoon.”
“Good for her,” Dominic says, lips twitching in amusement.
Tristan is watching her closely, but not saying much. As usual. All the same, he’s more expressive now than he used to be. Or maybe he’s just easier to read. It’s not hard to tell that his gaze usually lands on Penelope when we’re all together, and it’s like he’s always watching her.
Clearly he’s not as indifferent to all this as he claims to be. He feels something for Penelope, even if he tries to hide it.
Jonas pulls up to the house, and there’s already a small stack of boxes on the front step.
I let out a low whistle when I see the names of some of the places Pen got things from. “Fancy,” I tease her. “Only the best for our wife, as it should be.”
“I don’t know how I’m going to get this all inside,” she says.
Dominic just gives her a look and leans down to pick up a stack of boxes, carrying it like it barely weighs anything. “Make yourself useful,” he says to me, glancing over his shoulder.
I roll my eyes, but I was already going to help, and I gather the rest of the boxes, leaving Penelope to snatch up the remaining shopping bags.
We troop up the stairs to Penelope’s room, and she starts unboxing things, running her hands over soft fabrics and looking at her bed with dissatisfaction.
“What?” I ask her.
“I don’t know if this is the way I want it. Maybe it’s too… open? I don’t know.”
“Let me see,” Dominic says. He gathers some of the blankets she bought and stretches them between the wall and her bed. He starts arranging them so they form a sort of canopy, blocking out some of the open space and making things more like a cozy nook.
“Oh,” Penelope breathes. “That’s perfect.”
“Yeah?” he asks, looking at her.
She nods. “That’s just what I wanted, but I didn’t know I wanted it. How did you do that?”
“Do what?”