She blinks, surprised, but takes a deep breath and nods. “I think I could do good work here,” she says. “I might not know a lot about the nitty gritty of what your company does, but I’m organized and thorough. I’m a fast learner, and I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.”
“Metaphorically?” I ask, smirking.
“Or literally. I once had to unclog a drain at one of my old jobs, and it was nasty work. But it had to get done, so I did it.”
“A willingness to roll your sleeves up and handle what needs to be handled is important,” I agree. “Although we do have people to do stuff like unclog sinks, so it won’t be an issue you have to worry about.”
“Thank goodness for that,” she says, smiling. “My hands smelled like drain cleaner for a week after that.”
Her frankness makes me laugh again. “You’re a Beta, I see here.”
“That’s right. I’ve done office work before, too. I know how to file and make copies and get coffee. I’ve done data entry and I can send emails. Whatever you need, Mr. Sterling.”
“I see from Sienna’s notes that you owned your own business for a time, but it had to close.”
She nods. “Yes, I opened a bakery, but it was… not the right time for it.”
I give her a look. “That’s what you say when you’re trying to cover something up.”
“I’m surprised Sienna didn’t list the reason.”
“She did. I just wanted to hear it in your own words, since it happened to you and not to Sienna.”
For the first time she looks away from me, and I can tell there’s pain there. It’s understandable. Having to close a business, for whatever reason, can’t feel good. It’s one of the things I thought about a lot when I started my own business, and the fact of the matter is, most businesses fail before they can even get off the ground well enough to see if they’re viable.
“There were a few issues,” Penelope says. “Most of them financial.”
I nod. “It’s unfortunate when that happens.”
“Yes. But just because I’m not the best at running a business doesn’t mean I can’t do this job. I know how to follow instructions, and I can get things done.”
“You sound like you really want this job, Ms. Dalton.”
“I do,” she says firmly. “If you just give me a chance, I can prove to you that I can do it.”
I listen to her, charmed by her determination and grit. It’s obvious that she hasn’t had the easiest run of things in life, but she’s still got that spark. Impulsively, I close the files on the tablet and put it down on the desk. I don’t need them anymore. I meant it when I told her that there’s more to a person than their resume, and while she might not have the most impressive job history and experience, I still think she’s worth hiring. So that’s what I’m going to do.
“If we were to hire you, when would you be available to start?”
“Right away,” she says. “Today, if you want.”
“And you’re fine with the salary?”
“The salary is perfect.”
“And the vacation days and benefits?”
She nods quickly. “All totally fine. Better than I would have expected for an entry level position.”
“We like to make sure our people are taken care of,” I say. “I know it’s a trap whenever a company says ‘we’re like a family here’, but we appreciate the work people do for us, and we want to show them it’s valued.”
Penelope nods, looking like she’s hanging on to every word I’m saying. I can tell she’s trying not to get her hopes up, and that makes me even more sure of my decision.
“Well, if you’re on board with everything, then you’ve got the job,” I tell her.
Her mouth drops open for a split second before she closes it with an almost audible snap. Then she opens it again, like she’s going to say something, but no words come out. It’s like she doesn’t know what to say or how to react.
It’s such a genuine reaction, and I like that. I like seeing her unguarded and not hiding who she is, even in this environment. Plus, she’s easy to talk to, and I already feel a connection with her. It makes me think she’s going to be a good fit to work here.