Page 26 of Craving Their Omega

I doubt that, but it’s still nice to hear.

“Thank you,” I say.

“How are you holding up? No cold feet, I hope?”

I shake my head. “No, I’m going to go through with it, I’m just… a little nervous. Most people do the bonding before the wedding, so it feels backward to be doing it this way.” As if that’s the only weird thing about the situation.

“There’s no right or wrong way to do it,” Fletcher says. “Do you know how many weddings I’ve planned since I started doing this?”

I shake my head again.

“Over two thousand. And I can tell you that while they had some things in common, not one of them was the same as another. Every wedding is unique because the people getting married are unique. Sure, some things are traditional, but if that doesn’t work for you and your situation, then there’s no need to hold on to it. It’s the rest of your life you’re working toward. No one else’s opinion matters if you and your grooms are happy.”

I smile at him, and even though his words only kind of relate to this situation, it helps. Xavier, Dominic, Tristan, and I are certainly a unique case.

“Thank you for saying that.” I smile at them both. “I don’t have any family here today, no one who would show up for me like that, so you guys are making this a lot easier for me.”

“Oh, honey,” Delia says. She comes over and puts her arms around me in a hug. “We’re here for you. And more importantly, those three gorgeous men are here for you. Focus on that.”

Fletcher joins the hug and then steps back. “All right, let’s not mess up the bride before her big moment.” He checks the time and nods. “The space is finished and the grooms are just about ready. We should get moving.”

My stomach twists in knots, but I nod, taking a deep breath. Delia squeezes my hand and the two of them lead me out of the dressing room and through the halls of the church.

It’s quiet, and that’s good. I focus on not tripping over my dress, putting one foot in front of the other. Fletcher leads the way, and as we get closer to the main hall where the wedding will take place, I can hear the sounds of music and people talking.

Oh god. It’s time.

“Head high, shoulders back,” Fletcher murmurs to me. “They’re all here to see you, not the other way around. And you are a sight to be seen today.”

“Thank you,” I whisper back. I try to internalize the message, straightening my posture.

Delia does a last minute fluff of my dress and my hair and then gives Fletcher the thumbs up. He counts down from five on his fingers, and when the last one goes down, he pushes open the ornate wooden doors to the rest of the church.

I barely get a glimpse of the decor. All I can see is a sea of unfamiliar faces, all turning as one to look at me. I try to breathe, try to remember what Fletcher just told me, but panic rises in me, making my chest tight.

All the doubts that have been swimming through my head since I agreed to this are suddenly very loud again. It’s like I’m screaming ‘what are you doing?’ on repeat in my head. I can’t do this. I can’t walk down the aisle to three men I don’t even know. It’s insane. It’s absurd.

But then, soft twinkling catches my eye.

Through the panic, I start to notice the details of the space. The way the church is full to bursting with lovely flowers in shades of cream, lavender and dark blue. The way the stained glass windows shine with bright colors, adding to the ambiance of the space. Above it all, there are fairy lights, strung above the guests and woven through floral garlands around the edges of the church.

Just the way I’ve always dreamed of.

A smile spreads across my face. It’s small and still shakes a bit with nerves, but it’s there. I raise my head and look down the aisle and there are the three men I’m supposed to be marrying.

I see Xavier first, and he smiles at me, his eyes bright. Dominic is there, tall and commanding, giving off his steady, reassuring presence. Even Tristan doesn’t seem quite so intimidating in the moment, standing with his usual cool, guarded expression, but an easy posture that’s less closed off.

They’re so handsome in their suits, each one with a pocket square and tie that matches one of the colors Fletcher selected for the wedding. I see them in suits a lot at work, but this is different.

This time, they’re waiting for me.

I take a step toward them and then another. It gets easier after that.

I walk down the aisle alone, repeating Fletcher’ words in my head. Head high, shoulders back. My fingers clench around my bouquet, and I can’t make eye contact with anyone I pass, but I keep moving, following the beacon that is the three men in front of me.

When I get to the altar to join them, my heart is racing. There’s no going back from this. Not for a year, anyway.

Every eye in the room is on us, and the three of them only seem to have eyes for me. Their scents are so strong up closelike this, mingling together into an overpowering wave. If they’re wearing cologne for the day, I can’t tell, because my nose is just full of their natural scents, and they affect me the way they always do.