Page 22 of Craving Their Omega

I just incline my head to her as Jonas starts driving.

“I didn’t keep you waiting too long, did I? The elevator is out in my building. Again. So I took the stairs as fast as I could.”

I grunt in answer. That explains why she seemed slightly out of breath as she got to the car.

“Um… this is a nice car. Is it yours? Or the company’s?”

I don’t even respond to that, going back to looking out the window.

“This is one of Mr. Blackwell’s personal vehicles,” Jonas says from the front seat. “The company cars are only for business things, and there’s a fleet of drivers that handle getting the higher ups from point A to point B.”

I glance at Penelope, wondering if she’s thinking that this should fall under the category of ‘business things’ technically. Dominic did call it a business arrangement, after all.

But she just smiles and leans forward to speak with Jonas. “I’ve organized some of the drivers as part of my job,” she says. “It must be exciting, getting to drive all the important people around like that.”

“It can be,” Jonas replies, sounding amused. “It depends on who you’re driving.”

“Oh yeah, that makes sense. I bet some of them are real divas.”

Jonas can’t even hide the laugh when she says that. “Present company excluded of course, but… yes. Some of them can be.”

“What’s your favorite place you’ve ever taken someone to?”

I narrow my eyes as Penelope and Jonas engage in this conversation. The car was silent before she got in, the way I usually prefer it, but now they’re chattering back and forth to each other like old friends.

Something hot flashes through me, and I realize it’s irritation. The two of them are in their own little world, talking about the nice restaurants and theater premieres Jonas has taken clients to in his career, and there’s interest and excitement in Penelope’s voice as she answers back.

It’s easy between the two of them. Comfortable. Familiar.

It grates on me as they continue.

“Are you excited about all of this?” Jonas asks her. ‘This’ meaning going to meet with the wedding planner to make some preparations for the wedding.

“Sure,” Penelope says. She glances at me quickly and then away just as fast. “I mean I was definitely one of those little girls who daydreamed about her wedding day when I was a kid.”

“My niece is the same way. She throws weddings for her stuffed animals all the time. I just attended the nuptials of Mr. Hedgehog and Mrs. Dinosaur last weekend.”

Penelope laughs at that. “An unconventional couple for sure. I didn’t go that far, but I had some ideas about what I wanted, even if I was pretty sure it wasn’t really going to happen. I just wanted there to be fairy lights, twinkling and beautiful. It seemed a little bit magical to me, you know.”

“This must be a change from all that,” Jonas replies.

“It definitely is. I never could have imagined it would be like this.”

Finally, we arrive at the wedding planner’s office, and I can only say I’m relieved to be there. Jonas gets out of the car and opens the door for Penelope first, giving her a little bow as she steps out of the car.

“Good luck, Penelope,” he says, winking at her before he comes around to open the door for me as well.

I have just enough time to see Penelope give Jonas a nervous little smile before she looks at me and tries to project confidence.

“So… I guess we’re doing this,” she says.

I just nod and jerk my head in the direction of the building.

None of us know anything about planning a wedding, so the logistics are being outsourced to someone with the experience to make it something it needs to be.

Fletcher McDonald is a tall man with pale blond hair and bright eyes, and he meets us at the door with a smile on his face.

“Ms. Dalton, Mr. Blackwell,” he says, shaking each of our hands in turn. “Welcome. I’ve already told the other two members of your little wedding party how excited I am to plan this wedding for you, but it can always be said again.”