Page 143 of Craving Their Omega

“Fuck’s sake,” Xavier mutters. He leans over me to pat at the nightstand, snatching up the phone. “Dom. It’s you.” He pokeshis fellow Alpha until Dominic groans and takes the phone from him.

“Hello?” he answers, sounding annoyed already. He listens for a moment, and then his face falls into serious lines. “And you’re sure about that?” he asks.

Everyone is awake now, watching Dominic’s conversation. Whatever’s happening, it’s clearly important.

“Yes,” he says. “Yes, we definitely will do that. Okay. Thanks for the call.”

He finally hangs up, and we’re all but hanging on by a thread, waiting for him to explain. We don’t have to wait long.

“So it turns out Isaac and his pack aren’t as squeaky clean as they wanted us to think they were,” he says.

“What do you mean?” I ask him. We already knew that, but it was impossible to find anything on them that would stick.

“Your press conference threw the pack into a spotlight,” he explains. “You told the truth and that made the authorities start digging more seriously. And they managed to find evidence that Isaac and his pack were involved in a lot of shit. Not just abusing Omegas but also shit like extortion and money laundering. With a side of smuggling and illegal possession.”

My eyes widen. It’s not surprising, but I never thought they’d be caught for anything they did.

“And they have proof of all that?” Tristan asks.

Dominic nods. “Basically, by coming forward, little bird, and letting the world know the truth about those fuckers, you’ve made sure they’re going to be brough to justice.”

My brain feels like it’s still processing everything, churning through the information at a mile a minute. All I can really feel is overjoyed. I hoped the press conference would be enough to make a difference, but I never imagined it would be on this level.

Xavier pokes me a little, looking at me with concerned eyes. “You okay?” he asks.

I nod, finally letting the big smile spread over my face. “More than okay,” I tell him. “It’s just… a lot to take in, you know? I knew they weren’t good people, but I didn’t know just how deep it went. And now they’ll have to face justice. They won’t be able to hurt me or you guys or anyone else again.”

Tristan lets out a rough exhale. “Thank fuck for that,” he says quietly.

Dominic and Xavier nod their agreement. “We were going to do whatever it took to get them off your back,” Dominic says. “But this worked out better than we could have hoped for.”

I collapse back onto the bed, and the three of them surround me again. We’re in a what is basically a big cuddle pile, and I feel so warm and safe like this. Knowing that everything is going to be okay just makes it even better.

“Thank you,” I murmur, looking at each of them in turn. “I know it would have been easier for you to just wash your hands of this whole thing, but you didn’t. You fought for me. No one’s ever fought for me before.”

“Then everyone else you’ve had in your life are stupid,” Xavier declares. “Because you’re worth fighting for.”

His words make me blush, and each of them kisses me, one right after the other.

It’s like a weight has been taken off my shoulders, and I know they have to be feeling the same way. Not having to worry about what Isaac and his pack are going to do next will free up so much time for living our lives.

After a moment, Dominic stretches and sits up. “We have to go into the office today,” he says. “A board meeting has been called.”

That puts a bit of a damper on the good mood, and I wrinkle my nose.

“That doesn’t sound fun.”

“The major investors will be there too,” Tristan says. “So even less fun.”

“But we have to do it. After everything came out, there’s no way we can get away with not addressing it.” Xavier makes a face and sighs. “We better get ready to face the music.”

“I should come with you,” I tell them, sitting up as well. “It involves me too, after all.”

“You won’t be allowed in the meeting,” Dom says. “Especially after the way things came out, but you can come to the office with us.”

“I’ll be moral support,” I promise.

We all get up and shower and get dressed, meeting Jonas at the car to head to the office. My stomach is in knots the whole drive there and the whole elevator ride up to the conference room they’re meeting in.