The sounds of me going down on him echo around us, mixed with the words of praise that Xavier keeps moaning for me.
If I hadn’t just come, this would be turning me on so much. As it is, I focus on him, cupping his balls with my free hand and stroking them gently.
He likes that, if the way his cock twitches in my mouth is any indication, and he bucks forward hard, half burying himself down my throat.
“Shit, sorry,” he gasps. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
I just hum a little, opening my mouth a bit wider so he can keep pressing his cock down more.
It feels good to be making him feel good, and I lose myself in it, working him with my mouth and my hand until his cock starts to spasm a little with pleasure.
“Pen,” he groans out. “I’m so fucking close. I’m gonna—” He breaks off in the middle to cry out, and I pull back, staring up at him.
“Then be good and come down my throat,” I say.
“Fuck. Yeah. Whatever you want.”
He pushes back into my mouth and then all the way down my throat. I gag a little before settling into it, moaning around him as I feel his knot swelling behind my teeth.
My eyes widen as he comes in hot jets down my throat, and I swallow it all, feeling so hot and dirty in the moment. Now his cock is locked in my mouth, and there’s something sexy about that. It’s effectively gagging me, so when he asks if I’m okay, all I can do is nod a little to show I’m fine.
Xavier stares down at me, and there’s so much adoration in his eyes. It’s like he can’t get enough. He strokes my hair, and it feels like we’re the only two people in the world for the moment.
“You’re amazing,” he breathes. “Just when I think you can’t get more incredible, you always do. It’s wild.”
I hum with pleasure, drooling a little where his cock has my mouth split open.
While we’re locked together, Tristan and Dominic come home. They follow Xavier’s call to the patio, and when their eyes fall on me, still on my knees with Xavier’s cock down my throat, both of them wear near identical heated looks.
“Well, this is a nice sight to come home to,” Dominic drawls, his eyes flicking over me from head to toe.
I moan a little, and Xavier’s cock goes down enough that he can pull out of my mouth. I work my jaw, a little sore from being held open for so long, and then get to my feet. Dominic pulls me into a kiss, not seeming to care that I just had his friend and packmate’s cock in my mouth. Tristan follows suit, both of them lingering a little.
Xavier gives the two of them a look, and they look back, Dominic nodding.
“What’s going on?” I ask, glancing between them.
“We have something for you,” Tristan says.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” I tell them automatically.
All three of them give me a look that says they know they didn’t have to, but they did anyway. You’d think I would be used to that look by now.
I follow them into the house, where a large sign leans against the wall. I turn my head and realize it’s a sign for my bakery. The name I decided to go with, “Shortcake”, Xavier’s nickname for me, is written on it in pink calligraphy that sort of looks like fancy icing on a cake.
It’s beautiful, and more than I ever would have expected. “Oh my god.” I look between the three of them again. “This is so nice, you guys. I can’t believe you did this.”
“You needed a sign,” Dominic says, shrugging. “And it was important that we did something for this venture.”
“You mean besides buying me the building?”
“Yes. Besides that.”
“Is it perfect?” Xavier asks.
I open my mouth to assure them it is, but something holds me back. It’s a lovely sign, but I didn’t envision the name of the place in pink. It feels ungrateful to say that, so I just nod. “It’s amazing.”
Tristan raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t say perfect,” he points out. “What’s wrong with it.”