“You are. Tristan!”
“Who makes you feel this good?”
“You. Tristan, please!”
“What do you want? Tell me.”
“To come for you. Please, let me come on your cock. I need it so bad.”
He reaches between our bodies, and all he has to do is toy with my clit for about five seconds before I’m exploding in pleasure. I scream his name, clenching around him like I want to milk him of every drop of his release.
Tristan hisses in pleasure, thrusting harder and deeper until he follows me over the edge. I can feel his knot swelling, filling me up so completely, and I slump over the worktop, still trembling from the aftershocks of that amazing orgasm.
Chapter 35
I’m breathing hard in the aftermath, braced over the counter with Tristan’s body covering mine. He’s knotted inside me, his cock so deep in me that I can feel it with each inhale. We’re locked together, no space at all between our bodies, and it feels good.
“Are you all right?” he asks me, his voice rough around the edges.
I nod. “Yeah. Just… I don’t think my legs are going to hold me up for much longer.” It’s just the counter and his cock keeping me upright at this point, and I still feel wobbly.
He chuckles lowly and wraps an arm around my waist. He lifts me with ease, picking me up off my feet and moving us both so he can sit down in one of the chairs pushed back against the wall in the kitchen.
I end up in his lap, his cock still inside me, and the new angle makes me groan as my body clenches around him. I’m too tired to do more than wiggle a bit in his hold and then melt back against him, body worn out and put through the wringer.
Besides the sex there was the emotional release too, the weight of all the things that had been going unsaid between us finally lifted off my shoulders. I feel better for it, but still so tired.
Tristan is quiet, but his hands roam over my body possessively. He touches my chest, my hips, my stomach, trailing his fingers over my skin like he wants to leave his mark there, and it feels good. It feels like floating, but being tethered safely at the same time.
After a moment, Tristan reaches up and takes hold of my chin, turning my head to face him so he can kiss me. His lips are soft and not demanding, but he kisses with purpose. Like he’s trying to press feelings and emotions into my lips with his own. It’s not meant to go anywhere else, and it’s nice to kiss him just for the sake of it. Just because we both want to and are both reveling in the fact that it’s something we can do now.
Tristan not needing to hold himself back and me not needing to feel guilty or sad about wanting him. It’s like we’re making up for lost time, and we’re both determined to make it worthwhile.
Time passes leisurely, and when we pull back for air, I lean into him, letting my eyes slip closed.
He strokes my hair gently, fingers carding through it, and I sigh with contentment.
“I kind of can’t believe this is happening,” I murmur.
“I mean, just like an hour ago I was pretty sure we were going to be doing our best not to see each other more than we had to. And now this.”
Tristan hums. “Things have changed.”
“I…” I bite my lip, not sure how to say what I want to say. “I guess I’m still a little confused. You said all that about how you want me and how you care about me, but… you were really good at acting like you didn’t want anything to do with me before. You kept your guard up and were so cold all the time, and I don’t get how you could do that if you really had feelings this whole time.”
He takes a deep breath and lets it out. For a moment, he’s quiet, but I can tell that he’s gathering his thoughts, rather than refusing to answer me like before.
“The Beta I cared for before—Mariana. Losing her changed a lot for me.”
“I remember,” I murmur. “You left your hometown and your family behind because it was so hard to be there.”
He nods. “Yes. I didn’t process my grief well. Or my guilt. Losing someone like that, especially someone I cared for so much, was traumatic. There’s no other word for it. One minute she was there with me, and the next… she was gone. I hadn’t let myself think of a life where she wasn’t there, so I wasn’t prepared for the pain of it. Or how empty everything felt. I told myself that there was no way I could ever feel anything like that again. I couldn’t survive it. And I thought closing myself off from people, shutting my heart away was the best way to protect myself.”
I can’t really blame him for that. I can’t imagine how much it must have hurt to lose Mariana, especially when he blamed himself for her death. It probably did feel easier to just shut himself off from feeling than to risk that kind of pain again.