“Your mouth. I want your m—oh, yes!”
Her thighs tremble beside my ears as she fights my hold even as she grinds her hips against my tongue in an erotic little dance, matching the pulse of my fluttering tongue. Her flavor explodes in my mouth as I set upon her like a starving man presented with a cornucopia of provisions.
“Yes, my king!”
I suck her femininity, as she loses herself in the pleasure I offer. My fingers slide into her spasming channel and she clenches around them as though she’s trying to pull me deeper inside.
I crawl up her body, leaving my fingers buried within her, and finally steal the kiss I’ve been yearning for since she first appeared in my tent. My thick fingers curl inside her, stroking her walls while my other hand fists my raging erection,positioning the crown at her entrance. She stills, closing her eyes as I push forward and my tip spreads her outer lips.
I push harder. The pulsating head of my cock stretches her muscles until I’m seated within her entirely. Warmth wraps around me like liquid fire. I keep her on edge, enjoying the way she shivers as I withdraw only to snap my hips forward in a punishing thrust. Nails scrape down the length of my back, urging me on as I set a rhythm. Heat and lightning spark at the base of my cock and I chase my release.
Lamia screams as her legs shake and an orgasm claims her. Closing my eyes, I fuck her through the height of her climax until I spill my seed into her quivering womb. As soon as I release myself, light explodes behind my eyelids, but it’s not pleasurable.
This light feels wrong, tainted and hypnotic.
As icy tendrils claw their way into my gut, I feel the need to wretch up my insides. Pain encompasses my entire being, and my feet suddenly feel as if they’re miles from my head. When I open my eyes, I see Lamia smiling up at me.
She whispers, “My people were killed because they wereweak. They refused to fight with Variant, the One. True. King.”
A cackle fills my mind as I scramble to get away, but it’s too late.
Like a leech attached to its victim, Lamia sucks the strength from my body until I’m a quivering mess, unable to so much as roll over. A dark song echoes in the recesses of my thoughts, holding me captive and binding me to the vile demon that rests beneath me. The blackness takes over my vision and I lose myself to the incessant depth of the abyss.
Suddenly, my eyes blink open and I can see again. But the images my eyes report don’t make sense to my confounded brain. I’m standing perhaps ten feet from Cambion in a large and open space. Pine trees surround us along the perimeter. I turnto take in my surroundings when the blasts of gunfire cause my heart to jackhammer. This is a battlefield. I don’t understand where I am or how I came to be here. I whirl around again, taking in the flaming scene I find myself immersed in. Fire erupts, scorching the land beneath our feet as Cambion comes barreling toward me.
“Look what you’ve done!” he yells.
Around us, screams pierce the sky as our men fall beneath the might of our enemy. The forces under Variant’s command release a battle cry that causes the world to quake.
“This is your fault,” Cambion roars. He points to the petite figure standing beside the false king.
Unhindered rage boils in my gut as I take in her smug expression, the way her elbow interlocks with Variant’s. All I can see now is Lamia—the witch who misled me, beguiled me, bewitched me.
I stomp away from Cambion, my gaze fixed on the demoness. Holding my broadsword aloft, I carve a bloody path through anyone who stands in my way.
Lamia and Variant wear smiles upon their faces as each of them stares at me in turn.
I shake my head, trying to clear away the cobwebs that cloud my memory.
Why don’t I remember anything? What happened after the she-demon bewitched me? How is it that one moment I was buried within her and the next, I’m here?
I feel a hand snake around my arm and I spin around, ready to make quick work of whoever blocks me from my duty. Cambion glares at me and drops his hold. “We must retreat. If we don’t, we won’t have a chance in hell!”
I shake my head. “I must end this!”
“Listen to me!” the elf commands, his eyes going wide amid the black soot and dirt that covers his face.
“I don’t understand what’s happening!” I scream back at him. All I do understand is this driving force, this pushing need to destroy the woman who attempted to destroy me.
“We’re losing!” Cambion throws the words back at me. “We’re fucking losing! That’s what’s happening!”
I shake my head, unable to understand how this could be. “I don’t remember,” I admit in a small voice as I look down at my hands and fail to recognize my sword, though I know it belongs to me, all the same.
“It was you who convinced us to fight alongside the Succubae,” Cambion explains, his voice calmer now that he realizes I’ve been bewitched and I’ve just now woken from this nightmare. “We rode into war together, but that whore was controlling you!” He points to Lamia, where she and Variant stand, not thirty feet from us.
“Controlling me?” I repeat, still shaking my head. “Last I remember, I was fucking her and… and then…”