“Why have you come?” Cambion demands, his voice heated, untrusting.
I’m not surprised, for Cambion is a bastard, through and through.
“I have come to discuss the false king,” she states smoothly.
“Why?” Cambion insists.
“Because Variant is a threat to us all,” she purrs in a sultry cadence, causing chill-bumps to prick my flesh.
A chorus of displeasure reverberates through the tight confines of the tent and I am well aware that each man’s attention is riveted on her. Growing jealous, I send the centurions away, leaving only Cambion, myself, and Lamia.
I cross my arms over my chest and caution a step toward the newcomer. Light dances in her obsidian gaze, the faint glow accentuating the sharp contours of her regal features.
Her pink tongue darts out to lick her bottom lip, and instinct calls for me to lean forward and claim her mouth with my own.
God, how I want to taste her.
“Our plans are settled,” Cambion hisses through tightly clenched teeth. His dislike for her is as apparent as his Elvin ears. “State your purpose in being here and then be on your way.”
There’s venom in his words, so much that it surprises me. As an elf, Cambion is naturally suspicious of those with dark magic, but this reaction is a bit much—even for the pompous son of a bitch.
I clench my fists at my sides, shifting impatiently on the heels of my booted feet.
Lamia doesn’t react to Cambion’s discourtesy. Instead, her lips curl into a wicked little smirk that sets my blood aflame. Every fiber of my being urges me to pin her hips to the ground and fuck her until she’s writhing with pleasure.
But I compose myself.
For the time being.
She walks past me, lifting her hand to brush my arm before coming to stand in front of the war table. Planting both palms on the table, she leans over, allowing us both to ogle her breasts which are now on full display. I glance at Cambion and notice him staring at her with obvious interest until he catches me catching him and clears his throat, forcing his eyes away with a frown.
I can’t help my grin. The righteous cock could stand to be knocked down a peg or twelve.
I return my attention to the red rosebuds of Lamia’s nipples. I want nothing more than to suck them while my fingers...
“My daughters and I are the last of our kind.”
“And why is that?” Cambion asks with no hint of empathy.
“Variant slaughtered my people.” She speaks the words with venom, her jaw held tight. Standing up straight, she spears both Cambion and me with an expression difficult to place. Then she inhales deeply as she focuses her gaze entirely on me. A slight smile grabs the corners of her mouth.
“If you’ve come to us looking for sympathy, you’ve come to the wrong place,” Cambion says and I frown at him. The truth is that I’m sick to death of his pissy fucking attitude. He’s been nothing but a thorn in my side since Variant decided to usurp control for himself.
“Sympathy is a useless emotion.” Lamia spits the words back at him.
“Then why have you come?” I ask in a soft voice.
She faces me and nods. “I suppose you could say I have a vendetta against Variant.”
“We aren’t interested in your vendettas,” Cambion growls and eyes the entrance to the tent to give her a hint, in no uncertain terms.
She turns a cool expression on him. “But you are interested in defeating Variant, no?”
Cambion doesn’t respond but crosses his arms against his chest and huffs an irritated breath. Lamia’s smile deepens.
“I can help you defeat him,” she continues. “He trusts me.”
Cambion scoffs bitterly, shaking his head. “I know how your kindpersuadesmen, and Variant is no fool. He’s aware of the power of the Succubus as much as any of us are.”