Page 34 of Cursed Shadows

“I’m not suggesting she isn’t an angel.”

“I don’t understand,” I start, but both men ignore me.

“Then what are you suggesting?” Dragan nearly yells at Baron.

“That she’s a crossbreed.”

“A crossbreed?” I repeat, shaking my head. “Are you talking about… me?” Of course they are, but somehow I think they can’t be.

Baron looks down at me, finally acknowledging my voice. “Yes.”

“Why?” I insist, frowning.

He offers a consoling smile. “Just now, when you awoke, giant black, hooked wings shot out of your back. And your eyes glowed red.”

I shake my head. “That can’t be true.”

“It’s true,” Dragan confirms. He stands up straight and walks away from us. His posture is too straight, too rigid. I wonder what he’s thinking, why he’s gone ice cold.

“Come,” Baron says and helps me sit up. I feel beyond exhausted.

“A succubus is a demon,” Dragan points out as he walks back toward us.

“Yes, I’m aware,” Baron replies.

“A demon is the antithesis of an angel,” Dragan continues. “They’ve been enemies since the beginning of time.”

“Astute,” Baron responds.

“How could I be both?” I ask him, shaking my head. I’m afraid to look at Dragan, to absorb the expression in his eyes. The disbelief, yes, but more. He looks at me like he’s been beguiled by me, like he doesn’t even know who I am. He looks at me with anger and disappointment. And I can’t stand to see it.

“I don’t know,” Baron answers, facing me with interest.

I glance at Dragan and find him watching me. As soon as our eyes meet, he looks away. “He’s disgusted by me,” I whisper to Baron in a haunted tone.

“He’ll come around,” Baron assures me. Then, he helps me to my feet. I don’t understand why he’s being so kind and careful with me. Usually he’s evasive and keeps to himself.

“We need to cross over,” Dragan says to Baron. “The others will be wondering where we are.”

Baron nods. “I need to touch you both when we cross, or we’ll have a repeat of the last half hour.”

“Fine,” Dragan agrees, holding his arm out. Baron wraps his fingers around Dragan’s wrist, then turns to me. I’m so tired, I have no choice but to lean into him. I wrap my arms around his middle as he encloses me with his free arm, and I lean my head against his chest. Dragan looks at us and swallows hard, but quickly looks away.

“Say nothing of this to the others,” Dragan warns as the three of us step into the River of Souls for the second time.



Once we cross over and I find myself in the Mortal Realm, I pause momentarily to reach into my reticule of poisons and less dangerous tinctures, searching forNightshade. Finding the red liquid, I uncork the vial, bring it to my mouth, and swallow the contents in one gulp. The taste is earthy, with a touch of fire. There is no aftertaste.

TheNightshadeis akin to borrowing the darkness from the Shadow Realm and bringing it into myself. I’ll be able to walk in the daylight and the Mortal and Fae Realms won’t tax me of my power. I’ll retain my strength, such that I enjoy in the shadow plane.

Thoradin, Flumph, and Cambion stand under an outcropping of trees, awaiting our appearance. When they see us, Cambion immediately starts in our direction.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he demands.

“We got held up,” Dragan answers gruffly, glaring at him.