I nod. I’ve figured out that much. “When did it take place?”
She sits up, and her cheeks flush when she realizes her breasts are exposed. Then, she smiles at me as I reach over and take one of her nipples between my fingers. Instantly, I feel myself getting hard again.
“Dragan,” she breathes, discouraging me from my more lecherous thoughts.
“I can’t help it,” I inform her with a laugh.
“We need to figure out what that vision was,” she says, and I can tell she’s spooked by it. Yes, it threw me, as well, but my priority at the moment is burying myself inside her. Shame it isn’t also hers.
“I don’t know when it could have taken place,” she answers; her voice is low but she seems surprised. I watch her eyebrows draw closer as she processes whatever it was we both just saw. “I’ve never had a vision like that before,” she admits.
“Some angels possess powers of clairvoyance.”
I’d personally attained a high enough level in my Arcane Magic to see things I wasn’t physically present for. But even with theArcane Eye, I was never able to see beyond the realm in which I was present. The distance we’d just covered is staggering. If what we’ve seen is truly a vision, then Eilish is more powerful than any of us know.
“Do you believe we just witnessed a vision of the present?” she asks.
“Or the very near future,” I respond. “And, if such is the case, Anona will be after us soon.”
“Yes,” she agrees with a succinct nod as she fumbles with her cloak and pulls it over her shoulders.
“What’s more, Anona has connections in Grimreap. Variant—and any other being of light, for that matter—would never search for us here. Anona, however, is a different story.” Most likely, she’s already heard about a rogue manticore and the mysterious outsiders who defeated it. It won’t take long for her to determine the connection.
Disguises and sneaking around dangerous cities are now no longer an option. Still, it’s some relief (and also a surprise) that Variant doesn’t know where we are. It means we aren’tcompletelyscrewed.
“Then we need to move?” Eilish asks. I can see she’s shaken, and I help her to the bench at the foot of the bed. After restoking the fire, I take a seat beside her. One of her legs is tucked up beneath her and, from my seat on the bench, our legs our touching. I try to keep my eyes away from her cloak, open again to reveal the line of her cleavage.
Fuck me, but I want her again. And I want her bad.
“How are you feeling?” I ask, pleased to see the heavy bags beneath her eyes have receded.
“Better,” she says with a small smile. “A lot better, actually.”
I return her smile. Almost without thinking, I take her hand in my own. It’s nearly comical to me how small and delicate she is. My hand doubles the size of hers; I roll her thin fingers between mine. It’s meant to be an expression of comfort, but my closeness to her has caused my cock to swell. When I look down, she’s staring intently at me. I wonder if she feels the same need. I crave nothing more than to devour her, to plunge deep within the folds of her body, to enter anywhere she’ll have me.
“I want you again,” I confess.
Her breathing comes in shallow spurts. I reach down and place one hand on her bare thigh, then drop my head lower, until our foreheads touch. She inhales quickly and I see the pulse jumping in her neck.
Keeping my head pressed against hers, I continue to gaze into her eyes. I move my hand further up her thigh and inward, until I reach the soft flesh between her legs. “Spread your legs for me,” I order.
She does, and I run my index finger down her moist slit. Her chest swells and she sits taller until her face is level with mine. Her lips are flushed, fuller than usual.
She wants me to kiss her.
I lower my mouth to hers, closing my eyes, and I push my finger into her as she moans. Her slick walls close in around my finger and my cock aches. I pull my finger out and then shove it all the way in again as she begins to rock against me.
I’m hungry for more.
Just as I position myself between her legs, my senses alert me that we’re no longer alone. My eyes snap to the door where I see Cambion standing in the entryway, his face frozen in an expression of complete surprise.
I open the door to Eilish’s room to find her and Dragan sitting on the end of the bed. Her cloak has fallen from around her shoulders, revealing her white breasts and pink nipples. My cock hardens instantly and I have to swallow down my desire. Desire mixed with jealousy, because I wanted her first.
Dragan kisses her at the same time that he starts rubbing her clit, then shoves his finger inside her. From my vantage point, I can see the pinkness of her flesh and I watch his finger disappear inside the folds. When she moans, I have to hold myself back from demanding my own turn.