“Wynter, believe me when I say you’re in labor,” she says gently but firm.
Scott’s eyes collide with mine as her words settle in. I swallow hard feeling the reality of the situation.
“Babe, don’t be afraid. This is it,” he claims. “An adventure of a lifetime with our own family.”
For a moment, my worries fade away.
We arrive at the hospital. Scott used his red light so he could go faster than the speed limit, which was fine while we’re on the Bluegrass Parkway, but when we hit town and running stop lights, I was holding on to the ‘Oh shit’ handle.
“Where’s your sense of adventure?” Scott asks, amused.
“I’m having a baby. That counts as an adventure. You can’t push the equivalent of a bowling ball out of you,” I snap.
He pulls under the shaded structure, throws the keys to the valet guy, and helps me out of the car. I had gotten my cast off a month ago, after having to wear it for six weeks. Another employee pushes a wheelchair toward me, and Scott helps me in. The pain stabbing me in the back is excruciating.
“Breathe, babe.”
We go straight to the labor and delivery room, and several nurses come in and introduce themselves. “We’ll be assisting Dr. Breadwell with your delivery today. Chantel will prepare the room, and I’ll check your vitals and a few other things that might not feel comfortable. Do you want your husband in the room during delivery?”
“Yes, he’s the only one who can keep me calm.”
He grins as he holds my hand.
“Good, it’s a bond you won’t forget,” she claims. Many of my memories have returned but still not the ones I want to remember. My wedding day. The first time Scott and I made love. How we celebrated the news of our pregnancy.
“Okay, hubby, let’s get her out of her clothes and into this hospital gown. Would you like help?”
“No, I’ll undress her.”
I wink, surprised I’m still flirting with him. “That’s his favorite thing to do.. undress me.”
Chantel laughs. “I can see that. We’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Scott changes me and just as I lie back on the bed. It feels like glass is piercing my skin. I scream.
The nurses and Dr. Laura come in to check on me. “We don’t have time for an epidural. This baby girl is coming now.”
A jolt of panic strikes me almost as hard and heavy as the contractions. With my pulse racing and fear tangling with excitement, I ask, “Are you sure? I can hold it off. Just please give me drugs.”
Deep down, I already know the answer because the contractions have gotten closer together.
“Babe, you’re the strongest woman I know. You can do this. Break my hand if you have to.”
His eyes are glossy, trying to hold back tears. Scott has never liked seeing me in pain, like the time we were swinging off a rope from a tree into the lake. I let go too late and fell in the shallows, hitting my butt on a rock just underneath the water.
I laugh and retell the memory to Scott. He strokes my hair from my face. “Your memories are coming back. More each day. I’m so proud of you.”
Another relentless contraction squeezes me from the inside out. My back flies off the bed. “It hurts so bad.” Every muscle in my body is gripped with tension. A relentless cramp has wound its way through me, refusing to let go.
Dr. Laura gives me instructions and asks Scott to push my knee up and hold it on his side; the nursing assistant will hold the other one. “On the count of five, I need you to push with all of your might.”
My body trembles at the pain and the weight of the task at hand—to bring my daughter into the world. The hospital lights blanket the room in a blur.
“Breathe in, Wyn, then blow out while you’re pushing. I’m right here, babe.”
I inhale, and the doctor counts down from five, then I push for ten counts. My lungs burn as I yell so loud from the pain. After I’ve pushed like ten or more times, I give up as exhaustion rolls through me. “I can’t do this.It hurts so bad.”
“You’ve got this,” Scott reassures me. He glances at Laura, and a hint of panic covers his face. “Can I touch her?” he asks. He proceeds to run his palms over my stretched stomach, calming me. He leans down, whispering, “Baby girl, your mama needs you to slide out. She’s the most amazing woman, and you’re going to have so many adventures together. What do you say we get this party started?”