My heart pounds as myquestion stretches between us, and his eyes meet mine as he wrings his hands.
“Did you ask me for a divorce? Do you not want the baby? Did you cheat on me? Please just tell me,” I plead. “I need to know.”
“No, none of those things.”
“Then what?”
His lips quiver, and he drops his head into his hands before raising up again. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for upsetting you that day. If I hadn’t, none of this would have happened.”
“I ate the sandwich and then…” Another memory flashes. “You kissed me. But why would that upset me?”
He pushes to his feet and lets out a groan. “I told you I loved you.”
“Yeah… so?”
Drake covers his mouth, then drops his hands. “You’re not mine to love.”
I feel my eyes crinkling around the edges in confusion. “Despite my efforts to contain my feelings, I admitted that I had fallen in love with you.”
My head tilts and shakes. “I… don’t understand.”
Before he can respond, Scott bursts through the door, yelling, “You son of a bitch.” He stops behind the couch and stares at Drake. “You fucker. You’re supposed to be one of my best friends.”
Drake says, “Take your shot. It’s warranted.”
“What’s going on?” I ask as Scott circles the sectional and grabs Drake by his camo t-shirt.
“She’s my wife. You hear me.”
Is Drake cheating with Scott’s wife?
Scott releases him bypushing him toward the stone fireplace and pulls a phone from his pocket. The case is black with rhinestones.
“I’m sorry,” Drake counters.
“Are you? Do you realize what you’ve done? You’ve wrecked three lives. Our friendship.”
I push myself to a standing position and balance myself by holding onto the arm cushion. “Will someone please tell me what’s going on?” I ask as chaos floods my brain, and I feel a headache rushing on.
Scott spins, looking over his shoulder. “Wynter, it’s fine. Drake and I will take this outside.”
“No. I don’t care what the doctors say. I want to know what’s going on. I had a memory and was asking Drake about it when you stormed in. Please tell me why I was upset that my husband kissed me.”
“He kissed you?” Scott asks, his tone defiant and filled with anger. “This just keeps getting better and better.”
The air feels like clouds of thunderstorms are brewing in the great room, laying heavy on our heads as I wait anxiously for answers.
“I did. I’m in love with her—my best friend's wife—I couldn’t deny it any longer,” Drake admits, but I’m stuck on his best friend’s wife. Drake told me he loved me that day, not Scott’s wife. My brain desperately attempts to put all the pieces of my life together.
“Drake? Who are you in love with?” I ask in a hushed tone. It sounds ridiculous coming from my mouth.
“Then why would I be mad at you for telling me?”
“Scott will fill you in. It’s not my place.”
“You’re damn right it’s not your place. Not your wife. Leave before I… just fucking leave,” Scott’s veins are bulging on his neck and forehead. And even though he’s gentle guy, he has a fierce protective side.