“Yes, why?”
“Because I can’t quit thinking about Scott. When Drake touches me, it feels awkward, uncomfortable and he seems a little guilty. Are you sure we haven’t been having problems? He brought me a sandwich for lunch the day I fell, and I keep seeing a flash of me jerking away from him. I… I don’t know if I’m conjuring up these images, or if they’re real. And it sucks no one will tell me anything.”
Scott returns in a performance tank and gym shorts. Just what I needed, more of the man I can’t have. Plus, he’s my friend, and he’s married. Wait. Who is Scott married to?
He picks me up honeymoon style and gallops down the stairs like I’m weightless. The scent of eucalyptus and pine infiltrates my nose, and I suck in a deep breath of Scott. There’s something so familiar about the way he holds me, so I ask, “I know we’ve known each other a long time. How many times have you carried me like this?”
His head swivels to mine as we come to the ground floor landing. Our eyes are tethered together. “I would venture to say more than a thousand. Maybe thousands if you count piggyback rides.”
The girls exchange a glance as Scott sets me down on the daybed swing. Vanessa holds it still while he positions my broken leg out in front of me and props it up on a cushion. Then they climb on with me. They show me magazines and ask me to pick the outfits I like, then they agree, “She’s still Wynter.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ve always been the stylish one of us. Ready to jump on a new trend that Kissing Springs may not be quite ready for. Like the goth nail polish.”
“I must have been way ahead of the trend because everyone in these glossy magazines have dark nails,” I declare as Mom brings out the tea, and Vanessa reaches in the bag and pulls out a bear claw.
“Oh my God, I love bear claws.”
“We know.”
After they leave, Scott returns from a run, speckled with sweat. He leans down and shakes his hair out on me.
“Ooh, stop.” I’m starting to believe that I do think he’s fun.
“You love it,” he teases.
Maybe I do but probably more when we’re both naked.
Chapter Fifteen
Wynter and I dance around our attraction for the next three days. She remembers small details but obviously not the big one—me. Yesterday, she had a memory of taking photos, so her parents admitted that she is the local photographer who took the photos in the great room.
“Me? I took those?” she had asked as she beamed. “I must have an expensive camera.”
“You do. If you want it, I’ll grab from our… your house,” I said, almost making a mistake.
“Yes, please. Or maybe Drake could bring it when he comes. I asked Mom to tell him to come over tomorrow if he’s feeling up to it.”
I lie awake in the guest room in the middle of the night and hear my name on repeat.
“Scott. Scott.” I’m probably hearing what I want to hear… my name come out of Wynter’s mouth. Then I hear a grunt. Jerking the covers from my body, I pad quietly out of my room and tap on her door, hearing my name once again. I turn the knob slowly, trying not to make noise.
Peeking in, she’s asleep and dreaming about me. I don’t want to wake her, but then I see her fingers swirling her nipples under the sheet. She’s having a sexual dream about me and as much as this arouses me, I’d rather her memory return of our sex life.
Whether it’s a memory or a dream, it’s good news. She’s as attracted to me now as she’s always been.
The sheets fall as she pulls on her nipples harder, and one hand sinks between her legs. God, I’m a peeping Tom. I know I should leave, but I’ve seen her get herself off hundreds of times. Sometimes, we do it together. Just watch each other and talk dirty. She instructs me, and I do the same for her.
I feel myself hardening as her mouth parts, and she licks her lips. “Yes, more, more.”
It’s a good thing her parents are downstairs on the other side of the house because I step inside and stroke myself as I watch her. Her head flings off the bed. “Oh God, kiss me. I want to taste.”
Fuck, I miss tasting her. It’s been a week since I last buried my head between her thighs. I want to be in her dream so damn bad. It doesn’t take long for an orgasm to slice through me, and I’m creaming all over my hand. I’m not saying it’s a bad way to start my day, but I wish she knew how much I want to taste her and make her happy in every way.
Wynter pulls her hand from under the sheets, and her body relaxes. She’s only ever been able to give herself little orgasms and leaves the heavy lifting to me.