Dr. Breadwell says, “Wynter, the baby is fantastic, but I’ll check on you every day. Anything I can do for you?”
“Umm, guys, can I have a moment alone with the doctor?”
I let go of Scott’s hand and immediately feel a loss of a connection.
“Sure, we’ll be right outside,” Scott says as his eyes crinkle around the edges.
Drake follows him, and I wonder what my life is really like. Is Scott and his wife such a good friend that she wants him with me?
Dr. Breadwell cleans my belly and puts the wand back onto the ultrasound machine, then she sits patiently by my side.
“I’m sorry. I know you’re busy. I just… just don’t understand my feelings.”
“About your fall? Your memory? The baby?”
I shake my head no. “Am I in a polyamorous relationship with these two? And Scott’s wife?”
A little laugh escapes her lips as she pushes her glasses back to the bridge of her nose. My doctor is quite pretty. “No, that I’m aware of.”
“Can you tell me if Drake is always so skittish?”
“I can’t.”
“Because you aren’t supposed to or because you don’t know.”
She taps her fingers against her legs. “Just give everyone a little time to adjust to your injury. It’s hard on all fifteen people in the waiting room. So many people love you. You’ve always attracted people like bees to honey.”
“Always? You know me.”
“I do. All I can say right now is that I went to school with all of you. Book nerd here,” she quips.
“So, I trusted you with the health of my baby.”
She nods.
“Can I ask you something else?”
“Sure. I don’t know if I can answer but shoot.”
“Is there a reason I feel something very wrong for Scott? I mean since I’m married to Drake and I’m not in a polyamorous relationship.”
Dr. Breadwell rolls her stool even closer and takes my hand. “You have bruised ribs, broken leg, stitches, bruises, and a nasty concussion. I wouldn’t worry about how you feel about Scott. You’ve known him your whole life, and he’s pretty hot.”
She causes me to chuckle, reminding me of every pain that radiates through my body.
“Yes, he is. But so is Drake,” I add, trying to convince myself of my bond with my husband.
“Get some rest; it’s been a long morning.” She stands and releases my hand. “I see you have a journal. Why don’t you write down how you feel about the visit? Maybe writing will trigger something new.”
“Thanks, Dr. Laura.”
She smiles. “That’s what you’ve called me since the first visit.”
“It is?”
“You’re going to heal and figure everything out. But you do need to sleep while the baby is sleeping. It prepares you for when she arrives.”
“Okay, thank you. My baby girl is beautiful.”