Page 23 of Midnight and Mine

“Okay, I know you’re nervous. Do you remember anything about our previous visits?”

Wynter shakes her head no, and a tear slips from the corner of her eye, rolls over her temple, and onto the pillow.

“It’s okay. Let’s make new memories.”

At that moment, a different nurse comes in with the ultrasound machine and some tablets. Wynter knocks back the medicine while the doctor prepares the machine.

“Lie her back just a little.”

I push the button until she tells me to stop. She squeezes the liquid goo onto Wynter’s belly, and I watch Wynter’s expression, looking on like it’s her first time. The doctor takes the wand, and the machine gulps and bubbles as the sounds of the amniotic fluid that protects the baby sloshes around.

Wynter’seyes light up as she sees the form for the first time. “Is that her? Is that my baby girl?”

I’m relieved that Wynter has the same excitement for us having a baby that she did when we first found out. One good thing is to see the wonder in her eyes all over again.

“Here’s the heartbeat.”

I rub the hair off her face and say, “Strong like her mama.”

She tilts her head, looking at me with the biggest grin. “She is.”

Dr. Breadwell says, “I’m taking some measurements to let you know approximately how much the baby weighs and how long she is.”

I squeeze her hand.

“I can’t believe Drake is missing this.”

Laura and I exchange a quick glance and at that point, Drake rushes in. “Sorry I’m late,” he says with a Starbucks in his hand. I roll my eyes. He’s never gotten on my nerves before, but Wynter is mine, and it fucking sucks that I have to pretend.

Wynter shocks me when she throws him shade. “Our baby should be your priority, not stopping at Starbucks.” He opens his mouth but shuts it when she continues, “Just because E-town has a Starbucks doesn’t mean you should stop when I’m in the hospital.”

“Sorry. I thought it would help my nerves.”

She furls her lips into a frown. “Caffeine doesn’t help nerves. It makes you more jittery. Now come see our precious little bundle of joy.” She sticks her hand out, gesturing with her fingers. When he takes her hand, I have to step behind them.

Dr. Laura sneaks a glance and nods, recognizing how hard this is for me. Everyone in Kissing Springs knew how much I loved Wynter, except for Wynter, so when we admitted our feelings, every single person we came in contact with said, “We knew it.”

“The baby is about the size of a mango and about the length of a banana. Let’s look at her from all sides. Have you felt her kick since you’ve been awake?”


“The baby was kicking two days ago before the accident,” I add.

The doctor presses her stomach, waking the baby up. “Let’s see if you’ll kick for your mama.” It takes a few minutes, but baby girl stretches on the screen, then uses her feet to find a comfortable position.

“I feel it. I feel it,” Wynter shouts. “This is so weird and beautiful at the same time. I’m growing a baby. I don’t think I’ve ever grown anything… have I?”

None of us say a word until I ask, “Can I feel it?”

Wynter looks at Drake for permission, and he shakes his head.

“Yeah, but Drake should feel her first. It is his baby. God, I hope she has my nose.”

Drake chokes on his laugh. “Hey, I broke it playing football with this ass.” He points to me.

I shoot him a sharp, disapproving glare when he puts his hand where Wynter positions it. Evidently, the baby kicks, and Drake withdraws his hand, almost in disgust or surprise.

“Damn, Drake, you’re supposed to love me and this baby girl.”