Her brother’s jaw clamped shut, and he turned his gaze back to the window. Something strange had just happened between the siblings, something Jo didn’t understand. What were they hiding?
“You asked about the girl, and I told you. I don’t know anything about her, or what happened to her,” he said. “I feel sorry for her mother, though. She seems like a nice lady. Too bad she got caught up in that family.”
“Susan Conover told me you went to see her. Why?”
“She doesn’t know what she’s gotten herself into. She doesn’t know those people.”
“So you went to warn her?”
“Someone should.”
“That’s funny, Reuben, because the Conovers thinkyou’rethe one who poses a danger. You’ve trespassed repeatedly. Vandalized their property.”
“You scared off one of their employees. Stalked the poor girl, made her so frightened she quit.”
“What? Who?”
“Their nanny. A girl from Mexico.”
“Anna didn’t resign because ofme. It wasthem. They made her miserable. I just tried to be kind.”
“That’s not how they saw it.”
“What did they say?”
“They told Susan you followed the nanny around town. That you’d paddle over and harass her whenever she was on their dock.”
“Harass her?” He shook his head. “I just tried to be her friend.”
“Even after she left town, you wouldn’t give up. The family says you went over there and demanded to know where she went.”
“The old woman said that, didn’t she?” He snorted. “Of course she did. Nothing’s evertheirfault. It’s alwaysus, always the locals who get blamed. We fix their roofs, mow their grass, scrub their toilets.We’rethe reason those pretty houses are still standing. Those people, they use us, and when we’re no longer any good to them, they toss us away.” He eyed Jo. “You’re a Maine girl. You know exactly what I mean.”
“Excuse me,” said Abigail. “What does any of this have to do with that missing girl?”
Jo turned to Reuben’s sister. “There’s a prior pattern of behavior with your brother. The Conovers said he stalked their nanny. Brought her gifts, wouldn’t leave her alone.”
“But Reuben would never hurt anyone. He certainly didn’t hurt the Conover girl.”
“But you can understand why I have to ask him these questions.” Jo looked at Reuben. “Where were you on Monday, between ten a.m. and four p.m.?”
“Is that when she disappeared?” he asked.
“Just answer the question, Reuben.”
“I would’ve been out. Doing errands.”
Abigail said, “He took me to the hospital for some medical tests. I had a ten o’clock appointment, and we were there until two. Afterward, we went to the grocery store, and then to Walgreens to pick up my pills.”
“He was with you the entire time?”
“Of course. I can hardly get around on my own, because ofthisthing.” She tapped the arm of her wheelchair. “Isn’t that right, Reuben?”
Her brother grunted.