The bass in her voice caused my eyes to do a full sweep of her body. I’d been right; baby girl was caked up. I could see her ass from the front, and she had enough meat on her and then some.

“Have you eaten?”

“I’m not hungry.” She lied.

Her stomach growled, and we stared at each other.

I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing. Baby girl looked like she would fall through the floor if I said anything about her lie, so I just walked past her into the bedroom. She was hot on my heels as I walked over to the bed and looked down at the sleeping baby. He was the spitting image of his mother, and I smiled. I looked at her over my shoulder, and she was watching me watch her son.

When shorty caught me staring, she replaced her mug and frowned.

“How are you feeling? Izzy said when you arrived last night, you were moving a little slow. Today seems a little better for you.”

“I’ll be better when you guys stop holding me hostage. You said that you and I would have a conversation, but you haven’t started talking.”

I turned to face her and crossed my arms across my chest.

“Who did that to your face? Your husband?” I nodded to her hand. She looked down, then slid her hand into her pocket.

That had given me my answer.

I rolled my tongue across my teeth and blew air out of my nose. Baby girl wouldn’t meet my gaze, so I reached out to her to lift her chin, but my movements stopped when she flinched. My entire body stilled, and I had to rein in my anger so she wouldn’t fear me some more.

I took a step back so she could have some breathing room.

“When can we get out of here? I need to keep moving.”

“What’s your name?” Her shoulders dropped, and she shook her head. “If you really want to get out of here, tell me who did this to you.”

Hard eyes met mine. “Why do you care? My problems aren’t yours. Thank you for a place to stay, but we need to get out of here.”

“Unfortunately, when you made the right that led you to Rushin Mills, what you wanted went out of the window. You have potentially brought danger to our door. We need to know what we’re dealing with. Based on your face, neck, and Doc’s report, the person who did this to you will come looking for you. Am I right?”

She didn’t answer, but the glossiness of her eyes gave me my answer.

I wanted to keep her here because I was a selfish man, and the reason I needed an answer would feed into that selfishness. We stared at one another for a long time until little man stirred. She moved toward him, but I beat her to picking him up. She reached out for him, but I moved so he was out of her reach.

I snuggled him to my body and moved past his mama.

“Wh-where are you taking him? Please. I’ll answer whatever questions you have. Just please give me my baby.”

She was crying so hard her words barely made sense.

“You need to eat, so we’re taking him to the front so you can do just that. I don’t know what man you’re used to, but hurting women and children is against code. Get yourself together and meet us in the dining room. He got a bottle, or he cool? He ain’t crying, but I want to make sure he straight if he start.”

“Oh, uhm. Uhm, I just fed him about an hour ago, so he should be okay.”

I smiled, but it wasn’t returned, and I knew it wouldn’t be.

She wanted to fight me for her baby, and I respected it because I would have been the same way. With my head, Ipointed to the bathroom, and she looked behind her like she hadn’t realized it was there. She inched toward the door, and I left the bedroom with her son in my arms. By the time I was fully seated at the table, she was behind me. I let out a little chuckle because nothing had been done to clean her face.

Once again, she reached for the baby, but I liked him right where he was, so I moved him out of her reach.

“Izzy, hand me a wet washcloth.” She looked at me, then at baby girl and stared a hole in her head before doing what I asked.


The woman glared at me, then snatched the wet washcloth from Izzy and wiped her face.