The next call I made was to Doc because Izzy mentioned that when she saw my mystery woman walk last night from the back seat to the front, she hissed with each step. Both she and the baby needed to be checked out. Plus, her face needed to be tended to as well. Once Doc confirmed that she would meet me there, I was able to focus on what I needed to do.
My mind wasn’t settled, but I felt better enough to give my brain a break for a couple of hours.
“You cannot hold me here!”
The voice screaming was shaking, and I didn’t like the sound of it.
“I was told to sit until Arrow got here. He ain’t here, so I ain’t letting you go until I get the word to do so.” Grub sounded irritated, but that was nothing new.
“Well, call him. I have somewhere to be.”
Some of the bass had left her voice, and now she sounded tired.
I was surprised the clubhouse was as empty as it was, but happy. Doc walked behind me as we made our way from the front to the hallway that led to the back rooms. Grub and the mystery lady were in a standoff in front of the room Izzy put her in… my room. Her eyes grew the size of saucers as she stepped closer to Grub like he could protect her.
Doc and I chuckled because a second ago, she was about to cut off his head, and now he was her protection.
“Nobody needs to call me because I’m right here?—”
“Well, thank you for the accommodations, but it’s way past the time for me to go, so…”
“Unfortunately, I can’t let you do that. Doc is gon’ check you out to make sure ain’t shit broken, then you and I will have a conversation. If I like the way the conversation is going, then you can do whatever you want.”
Shorty’s mouth opened and closed several times, but not one word was spoken.
Grub and I stepped away, as Doc approached her. I could have called Mac, but baby girl seemed like she needed some feminine shit Mac couldn’t give her. Izzy had a buffet style lunch set up in the kitchen, and the first place Grub went was to the kitchen sink so he could wash his hands. If there was food around, Grub was going to throw down. I’d known him since we were nappy-headed knuckleheads, and he had always been that way.
I wasn’t a fan of Izzy’s, but she was cold as hell in the kitchen.
“So, what’s her story?” Grub asked as he tore into his piece of chicken.
“Don’t know, but I plan to find out. I need to know who her people are so if they come looking for her, we’re protected.Whoever did her in will be out looking for her. We just got Billings off our asses… We don’t need no more smoke.”
Grub nodded as he sopped up his waffle that was lathered in syrup.
“Yeah. Hopefully, he comes looking for her without back up because I want to show him a thing or two. He clearly ain’t never fought no man. I’ll give him the fight he’s looking for.”
Grub and I pounded the sides of our fists.
He knew exactly why I wanted her folks’ information. There was no way in the world a man could do that to a woman and live to talk about it. He needed to die, and if she wasn’t coming up off the information, then she might as well get comfortable in Rushin Mills.
Someone was coming for her, and I would be ready.
“I’m already knowing. Once she drops the deets, she’ll never have to worry about him ever again.”
Doc slid up to the table wearing a straight face, but her eyes let me know that I was about to blow up.
“There are healed, healing, and fresh bruises all over her. From the back of her scalp and face down to her?—”
“Aight, I get it,” I spoke through clenched teeth. “Did she let you check out the baby?”
Doc shook her head, and I nodded.
I figured she wouldn’t, but it never hurt to ask. Pushing away from the table, I stood and made my way to the back. The door was closed, so I knocked three times with my knuckles. There wasn’t an answer, but I didn’t stress because the only way out of this place was two side doors and the front. I smirked at the thought of her trying to escape.
I knocked again, and the door was snatched open.