Hurriedly, I zipped the bag and rushed to the door to unlock and open it.

“Thank you so much. This smells amazing.” I sniffed the air and smiled.

“You’re more than welcome. You have a beautiful night, and hopefully, we’ll see each other in the morning.”

I dipped my head because we both knew that wouldn’t be the case.

Izzy walked away. I shut the door and moved to the living room portion of the room. I set the tray of food on the coffee table and rushed over to the bed to get Hendrix. It was only him and me in the room, but I still needed him close. As I ate, I stared blankly at the television screen, thinking of the man who essentially kidnapped us. His intentions were unknown, but at least we would have a warm bed to sleep in tonight.

No matter how tomorrow turned out… I would see this as a blessing.

A Few HoursLater

“You said what?”

I looked around my office and frowned.

My mind was on other things, so Snoopy’s words didn’t process right away. I could already tell that I wouldn’t be here long because I needed to check on the mystery woman that kept me up all night long. I finally gave Snoopy my eyes, and he held up a piece of paper I recognized as one of our purchase orders.

Everyone wanted their cars and bikes wrapped by me, so seeing an order wasn’t new, but hearing Bucks name for the millionth time this year was a surprise.

“Buck said he wants a new color.”

“How he need a new color already? We just wrapped the last order less than three weeks ago.” I fussed, then snatched the purchase order from Snoopy, who was a prospect, but one I appreciated like a little brother.

He had a lot more leniency than the other prospects because of my favoritism, and I didn’t care who didn’t like it.

“I don’t know, Arrow, but he put in the order last night. Something must have gone down because it’s only March, and this will be his fourth wrap.”

I nodded, but whatever Buck was into wasn’t my business, so I didn’t respond verbally.

He was a paying customer, so I wouldn’t complain. Buck was for sure keeping me in business. I waved Snoopy out of my office, and my mind immediately went to the night before. I had a huge problem with anyone who harmed women and children.

Knowing I wouldn’t be able to focus until I had some news on her, I pressed two on my desk phone to call the clubhouse.

“Good morning, Arrow.” Izzy answered on the second ring.

“She up?” I cut straight to the reason for my call.

I only dealt with Izzy because she was part of the club. Outside of that, if I never had to talk to her, it would be too soon. Her father was the current president of our motorcycle club, so there was no escaping her, but I definitely always tried.

“Damn, would it kill you to at least say hello?” I didn’t say anything, so she sighed and continued. “I don’t know if she’s awake. I heard the baby crying a few hours ago. Since she got him settled, I haven’t heard a peep.” She popped the p. “She plans to leave as soon as the sun breaks through the clouds.”

She would try, but she wouldn’t get far, especially since her car was in car heaven.

Early this morning when my phone rang and I saw it was Izzy, I ignored it. She knew better than to call my phone, but when it rang a second time less than one minute later,I answered. What she said didn’t register at first because she was so frantic. Nothing rattled Izzy, so I listened better when she explained what was going on. The situation was delicate, and when I arrived at the car on the side of the road near my property, my brain shut down.

Seeing baby girl so terrified had me ready to blow up.

“I’m sending Grub over, so you can go on about your day.”

“I can stay and cook, Arrow. She probably needs to see a familiar face. Grub is a teddy bear, but he can be scary to those that don’t know him.”

I knew what Izzy was doing, but I wouldn’t lie and say she didn’t have a point.

“Aight, but I’m still sending Grub.”

I hung up the phone and looked down at my hands because I knew I’d be taking somebody’s life soon.