“What’s up, Pops? Long time no see. Time hasn’t been kind to you. That can’t be good,” I taunted. “What’s up, Gideon? You look like you’re about to shit your pants, but that can’t be, because the way you’re dressed let me know you came prepared to fight.”

“How about you remove these chains and—ah!”

I sent an arrow into my father’s gut because I was tired of hearing his mouth.

The moment the arrow pierced his skin, Gideon jumped and looked on the verge of tears. His scary ass was pissing me off. How was he capable of beating Cecilia to a pulp but could barely sit in a room full of men without looking like he was about to come out of his skin. My father hissed, and I winked at him.

I wasn’t sure why he believed the Helix he abandoned all those years ago would be the same one standing in front of him today.

“Speak out of turn again, and I’ll send one through you. Do we have an understanding?”

Instead of giving a verbal answer, he glared at me, so I took that as a yes and smiled.

“Now that we have your attention, Pops and dear old stepbrother, we’d like to address some things.” Boss paused for dramatic effect, and I snickered. “Gideon, you are here to answer for your crimes of mental, physical, psychological, and verbal abuse. Only cowards turn against the women who love them. However, seeing as though you’re close with this man, your mistreatment makes sense. Before your sentence is handed out, would you like to say a few words?”

“It’s a misun?—”

I shot an arrow into his shoulder.

Boss whipped around, and we stared at one another. After a few seconds, I shrugged. Whatever Gideon was about to say would only piss me off, and I would have him shot him anyway. There was no way to explain the trauma Cecilia still experienced ’til this day. He could keep those lies between his lips.

Boss turned back around and put his hands out.

“Welp, guess you don’t get to lie your way out of this. I have a few forms I need you to sign before you die.”

I handed Boss the paperwork from my book bag. He took it and waved it in Gideon’s face.

“What is that? I don’t have any money to give.” I shot him in the other shoulder, and Boss spun around to face me. “Get from behind me with that shit, Arrow! I swear to God if you shoot me by accident, it’ll be your funeral next.”

“Well, you was about to let him lieagain, and I’m ready to get back to my lady and my baby. We need to hurry this along.”

Tech had managed to pull all of Gideon’s, my father’s, and his wife’s bank statements.

Due to embezzlement, loan shark ties, and his governor position, the Baxters were sitting on a pretty penny. Tech had already begun the transfer process of every last penny to an offshore account. The goal was to set up Cecilia and Hendrix for all she had to endure while being a part of that family.

Gideon’s mother would suffer the worst because her husband and son were about to die, and she was about to pay for both of their transgressions with jail time.

“This packet is for you to sign over your rights to Hendrix. He’s a Miller, not a whack ass Baxter. This one is you signing over the deed to your house to Cecilia. She won’t be living there, but she can sell it and put the money up for my nephew?—”

“I’m not sighing none of that. Cecilia is mine and will be until her last breath.”

I laughed and said, “Nah, playa. I been spraying her guts with little Helix soldiers. That’s all me now.”

When it came to Cecilia, Gideon showed some of his fight.

However, even if he wasn’t chained to the chair, he would have never made it toward me. I smirked, grabbed another arrow, and pointed it toward him. Instantly, he stopped fighting, and that disappointed me. I expected him to keep the same energy, and because he didn’t, I shot the arrow into my father’s shoulder.

Every eye in the room turned toward me. Hell even my father looked confused.

“I don’t even want to know.” Boss sighed. “You will sign every document because it’s the least you can do after being a fuck boy all your life. Everything you have will belong to Cecilia and that little boy you helped her create. You and this man you look up to are dying tonight. Let’s do one last good deed before you go.”

“People know where we are! If anything happens to us, you’ll have the police at your doors in less than two hours of them finding our bodies.”

Boss and I looked at each other.”

“Bodies?” I asked. “What makes you think there’ll be bodies to find? Buck!”

Ten seconds later, Buck turned the corner with an industrial sized drum, with Snoopy right behind him with another one.