“We play this shit by my rules. If for one second I feel like you can’t handle what’s going on, then I’m sitting you down. I heard you, and I understand that this is your fight, too, but I need you to hear me. The moment it goes left, you’re out.
I nodded like I wanted my head to take flight.
“Yes. I understand and agree. You won’t have any problems out of me. I promise to be on my best behavior… Well, that’s until it’s time to kick some ass.” I grinned.
Boss chuckled. “If you get yourself hurt or killed, just know his crazy ass isn’t above bringing you back to life to kill you himself.”
I tittered and wrapped my arms around Arrow’s neck.
Although I was afraid about what would happen next, I was glad that I had the Rebels behind me. My words could have ruined the best thing to ever happen to me. Once it was settled that I would be able to get my lick back, we headed toward the clubhouse because Boss had called a meeting.
It felt strange to have an army behind me, but I knew better than to bite the hand that was protecting me.
It had beenseven long days of waiting, but the time was finally here.
I’d just gotten word from Casper that my father, Gideon, and two fools had crossed into Rushin Mills. The clubhouse location had been the same for the last forty-two years, so I knew my father would go there first. It was the middle of the night, and he probably believed that since the streets were silent, they were in the clear.
He’d been gone a long time because silent streets should have been a red flag.
“They just pulled up.” Casper’s voice came through the speaker, and Boss nodded, although Casper couldn’t see him.
“Aight, walk them to the basement.”
“Cool. See you when you get here.”
I finished tying up my boots and stood to my full height.
Cecilia and Hendrix were stashed in my room at the clubhouse. I still wasn’t on board with Cecilia being a part of this, but Boss pulled rank and said she was owed this. What both of them said made sense, but I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to her because of him.
My emotions must have been all on my face because Boss came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
“Relax. We have the upper hand, and nothing will happen to her. It’s four of them and fifty of us. Gideon, hell, even Pops can try, but nothing will happen.”
“I’m holding you to that because if some shit pops off and she gets hurt, that’s your ass.”
He laughed and shrugged. “I’ll take that.”
For good measure, I said a prayer, then we stomped out of the house.
I had no idea how I would react after seeing my father for the first time in what had to be over fifteen years. My stomach rolled with each step we took toward our bikes. We could have taken my truck, but I wanted them to hear us coming. My father got off on mind games, so it was only right to return the favor. As we drove toward the clubhouse, several bikes joined us, and it felt good to have my brothers behind me.
It had been a minute since we rode together, and I couldn’t think of a better time.
“Tonight, a bitch pays for the disrespect to one of us. The only people walking out of here with breath in their bodies will be Rebels!” Boss shouted once every bike had come to a stop in front of the clubhouse.
“Yes!” sounded around several of the guys, while others clapped.
“Let’s go in here and kill us a bitch.”
I shook my head and chuckled because my brother was great at many things, but pep talks weren’t one of them.
However, it seemed to work on the guys because they stormed the clubhouse like a mob with pitchforks. I walked slowly, making sure all the guys beat me inside. No part of me was afraid, but the day to confront my past was here, and I didn’t know what to do with my feelings.
The conflict had me feeling like a punk, and that pissed me off.
“Ah, there they are…” I heard my father’s voice as I hit the last step to the basement. “My sissy of a son and the one who should have been my only.”
Once he was in my line of vision, I gripped my bow, ready to send an arrow right through the middle of his forehead. Again, Boss must have been in my head because he stepped in front of me. However, I didn’t need him protecting me against our father like he had when I was a child.