Arrow leaned over me, causing his lips to hover over mine. Tasting him created an impatience in me that I never experienced before, so I sat up to kiss him, but he pulled back. We did that a couple of times before I huffed, ready to push him away. Yet before my irritation could fully settle in, Arrow’s lips touched mine, and everything was right in my world.
Helix Miller was truly God’s favor in human form.
“Arrow,stop! He’s gonna hear us,” she whispered while trying to fight off my kisses.
When I set this whole night up, Boss was aware that he would be here all night.
As Hendrix was getting older, he was becoming the world’s smallest cock-blocker. The shop had gotten an influx of orders, which usually happened around this time, to get bikes ready for the summer. The only difference this time was I had Cecilia and Hendrix, so I couldn’t move how I was used to moving.
Tonight, she was mine, and tomorrow, it would be the three of us.
“So! My brother is smart. I’m sure he knew what was going to go down as soon as I got you back upstairs.”
Cecilia let me feel her up, but when I got to the apex of her thighs, she gripped my wrist.
“At least let me tell him he can leave.”
I kissed her lips.
“Nah. He on baby duty until tomorrow. We good, I promise.”
She squinted up at me, and my only response was a grin.
Cecilia could get pretty loud, but it wasn’t anything Boss had never heard before, so her objections were mute. I bit her jaw, and that was all it took for her to succumb to my mannish plans. She wrapped her arms around my neck as mine traveled down to her waist. I led her over to the bed, never removing my lips from hers.
Once her back hit the mattress, she pulled away.
“You have to be quiet, Arrow.”
My head reared back as I looked at her.
“Me? Baby, I think that’s a conversation you need to have with yourself.”
I rolled over on my back and pushed her slightly.
“Put some music on then, and while you’re up… strip for me.”
Cecilia side-eyed me but did as I asked. While she moved around the room, I rested my hands behind my head. Once “Nothing in This World” by Keke Wyatt and Avant started to play, she came to stand directly in front of me. With a slow sway of her hips, Cecilia pulled her dress down, and I had to sit up on my elbows to get a better look at her. I remembered everything I’d bought for this night, but the piece on her body under the dress was something I hadn’t seen before.
She kicked the dress to the side and strutted toward me.
“You look like you’re ready to climb out of your skin.” Cecilia smirked. “Do you need help out of these?” she asked with her hands on the waistband of my slacks.
“Yeah.” I lifted my hips and hissed when she dragged her nails down my thighs. “Damn.” I blew out a shaky breath when she fisted me in her little hands.
“It’s so pretty…”
Cecilia lowered her head and let a stream of spit roll out of her mouth and onto the head of my dick.
There was no time to prepare, because the next second, my manhood was touching the back of her throat. I balled the sheet up in my fists, trying my best not to grab the back of her head. It only happened once and resulted in a terrible reaction from her, so I promised it would never happen again.
She was a magician with her mouth because before I knew it, I pushed her off me because the first place I came tonight wouldn’t be her mouth.
“Come here.”
Cecilia climbed up my body and settled hers over mine. It didn’t take long for her to sink down onto me. We both groaned and were still for a moment.