“Keep your hands out of the food until she sees it.”
Boss called Arrow a simp, and then the sounds of wrestling met my ears, and I could only shake my head.
I looked to my left, and Hendrix was still knocked out, so I couldn’t have been asleep too long. Climbing out of bed, I rushed to the bathroom to empty my bladder and to make sure I hadn’t ruined all of Jalanea’s hard work. When I reached the bathroom, there was a beautiful purple gown hanging on the door. I gasped and gingerly touched the beaded material. It was a strapless gown that didn’t look like I’d be able to get all of me into.
When had he come in here to drop this off?
“You do know I don’t have to be here, right?”
Arrow chuckled and replied, “Stop crying and help me. How you the oldest but cry more than me?”
“See how that go? You be mean and then turn around and need me.” Boss scoffed. “I think I need to take a second to get my feelings together. Being used doesn’t feel right.”
I cracked up because, like his little brother, Boss was truly a character.
Instead of continuing to eavesdrop, I freshened up and was a little sad that doing so ruined my lips. However, I planned to show up and show out, so that meant brushing my teeth. Once I was done in the bathroom, I slipped on a piece of lingerie I’d gotten a couple of days ago. It was funny how Arrow had planned this whole evening, and I had plans to make his night special as well.
I had enough milk pumped that I could enjoy my night and the man that stole my heart.
“Glad you’re awake.”
I jumped at the sound of Arrow’s voice and turned to face him.
“You scared me. I swear, for you to be so big, you don’t make no noise when you move.”
He smirked and licked his lips.
“That’s not all the way true, now is it?”
I grinned and rolled my eyes because this man sure knew how to be annoying.
Arrow crossed the room, kissed Hendrix’s cheek, then came to me to deliver a kiss to my shoulder, neck, and jaw. I leaned into him. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and we swayed to the music that only we could hear. Heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs, and I turned in time to see Boss enter the room. He blew me a kiss as he picked Hendrix up from the bed. Arrow scoffed, but Boss paid him no mind.
I touched my shoulder for Arrow to zip up the dress I’d surprisingly slid into like butter.
“Now, I want you to have her home by ten. The only thing that’s open later than that is legs, and that’s not you, right, sis?”
“Right.” I giggled and sat on the bed so Arrow could strap on the silver heels that had been set out next to the dress.
“And you say I’m annoying. I wonder where I get the shit from.”
I tossed my head back and cackled.
For Arrow and Boss to be ten years apart, seeing them together would make one think that only ten minutes separated them. Once I was settled and ready to go, I tried to give Boss instructions for Hendrix, but Arrow had beat me to it. Seeing him take charge over me and my son had me hot all over and ready to say forget this night out. However, I wouldn’t because we never really got time for just us, and I couldn’t wait for that. Arrow led me down the stairs, and the moment my foot hit the bottom step, my mouth hit the floor.
It looked as if we’d stepped into a five-star restaurant instead of the formal dining room.
“Arrow…” I followed him into the dining room and smiled, seeing the hard work that had gone into this night. “When did you even have time to do this?” I whispered.
Things at the shop had been hectic, and it had him busier than normal—which was my main reason for wanting to spoil him tonight.
“When it comes to you and making you happy… nothing will ever get in the way of me showing up when it matters. Work has kept me preoccupied, so this is my way of showing you that I still see and appreciate you.” He pulled out my seat, helped me sit down, and kissed my lips. “Tonight, I plan to thank you for keeping me levelheaded and being my peace.”
I didn’t want to cry, but his words touched a part of me that I was sure God reserved just for him.
“Well, it seems we both had the right idea about tonight. However, sir, you will have to wait until later to see what I have planned for you.”