The woman raced behind him, and my shoulders sagged. The seconds of silence were interrupted by the roar of his engine. He would be on his way, and I would be able to think clearly to get Hendrix and myself out of this before someone from Gideon’s team found us.
My thoughts were interrupted by the car jolting forward then back.
“What the hell…” I squinted as I looked in my rearview mirror.
I never got the chance to react because my car began moving backward. In the blink of an eye, I went from scared to petrified. That man had hooked my car up to his truck and was dragging me to only God knew where.
We pulled up to a pitch-black building, and I wondered if I would be able to roll out of the car with Hendrix and not kill us both.
“You can sit in there all night, or you can come into the clubhouse and get warm. There is a fully stocked kitchen, bathroom, and beds inside. Izzy will stay behind to help you if you need it.”
He walked to the side of the building, another loud engine roared, and a bike took off into the darkness.
“Come on, honey. Let’s get you and that baby comfortable.”
I wanted to be stubborn and stay inside my suspended-in-the-air car, but I had to think about my son.
Sighing, I dropped my head back and said a quick prayer. I unlocked the door, and Izzy was right by my side, assisting me. She reminded me so much of my mother that I leaned into her and stopped fighting. It had been so long since someone had treated me in kindness that I didn’t shy away from it like I imagined.
Once I’d gotten Hendrix and our three bags out of the car, we followed Izzy into the building.
“Wow.” I looked around and whispered.
“This is the main clubhouse. This is where club business is handled, so it’s a lot calmer. The bar, gym, and club on the other hand is a whole other world on its own.” She chuckled as she showed me to the room where I’d be staying.
“This is only for tonight, okay? I promise to be out of your hair and on my way first thing in the morning.”
She didn’t respond, only patted my hand.
We walked down a long hallway, and I peeked into several rooms. This building wasn’t like the standard home on the outside, but inside, it had all the makings of one. At the end of the hall, we approached a set of double doors. She opened one side and stepped back so I could enter. My mouth hit the floor as Hendrix stirred in my arms. This room was decorated in black, royal blue, and white.
There was a king-size bed in the middle of the floor, a sectional that could seat what looked like twelve people to the left, double doors to the right, and a wall full of windows that showed nothing but pitch-black darkness.
“You and baby boy can have this room. Through those double doors is the closet and en suite. While you get settled, I’m going to fix you some tea and some leftovers. We had some lasagna soup, salad, and garlic toast.”
“That sounds wonderful, but you don’t have?—”
“Baby girl, I mean this with no offense, but you look like it’s been a long time since someone looked after you. Don’t get in my way of making sure you see some sun at the end of your tunnel.”
I folded my lips inward and nodded.
Izzy had successfully put me in my place, and she was right. I would still be cautious. At the end of the day, this could be a rouse to get me back to Gideon. She left me alone, so I locked the door behind her and walked over to the bed.
Hendrix had slept through all the craziness, but I needed to check him to make sure he was all right—especially after I tapped the tree.
“Okay, baby. Let’s make sure there are no bumps and bruises, check your diaper, and see if you’ll eat.”
My breasts were heavy, so I was surprised he hadn’t started crying his head off from being hungry.
“We’ll eat before we have a bath. That all right with you?” I cooed and kissed his cheeks.
After checking my son over, I was glad that this crazy night hadn’t affected him in any way.
I laid him down on the plush comforter and lifted one of the bags onto the bed. In this specific bag was the three hundred thousand dollars. I would leave some money behind for these people going out of their way to help me.
If they worked for Gideon, it would be for their trouble for not acting sooner.
“Knock, knock,” Izzy announced before three swift knocks sounded on the door. “I have your dinner.”