It was too late to have something heavy, too early for dinner, but my stomach was touching my back.
“I know you’re not hungry already. We just ate.”
I turned at the sound of her voice.
“Four hours ago is not us just eating. I’m starving, but I see you didn’t get nothing that can just be popped in the microwave. Swear, I might fall out if I have to sit here and make me a sandwich.”
Cecilia laughed loudly and had to cover her mouth.
“The dramatics are getting out of hand.”
When she was close, I kissed her lips. My tongue swiped at her lips, and I was granted entry. She grabbed my face and brought me closer, which I didn’t think was possible.
Cecilia was the first to pull back, and like two lovesick teens, we stared at one another, wearing goofy grins.
Two MonthsLater
I looked up from the book I was reading and frowned.
In the time that I’d been at Arrow’s place, if it wasn’t Boss, no one came by, so when there was a knock at the door, I was skeptical about who it was. I didn’t know anyone in Rushin Mills, and I was 100 percent sure Arrow and Boss were together. The knocks sounded louder, and I hurried to the door so whoever it was wouldn’t wake Hendrix.
Since the peephole was higher than what I could reach on my tiptoes, I pulled the door open.
“Girl, what took you so long?”
An unknown woman pushed past me and welcomed herself into the house.
“Excuse me.” I stepped in front of her and looked down at the bag in her hand. “Can I help you?”
“Oh, my bad, baby.” She held out her hand. “I’m Jalanea. Arrow hired me to get you together for tonight.” She lifted the bag in her hand like I was supposed to know what she was talking about.
I frowned because he hadn’t told me about any plans.
This was why I needed a cell phone because I wanted to call him. He’d mentioned getting me one, but I never thought I would need one. He and I were always together, and I only talked to him, so it made no sense. Now, though, it seemed as if it was an inconvenience.
Although Jalanea smiled, I could tell the lack of reaction from me had her on edge.
“Sorry about that. I’m just a little caught off guard. Arrow hadn’t mentioned anything about an evening. What do you need from me?”
“Sounds like that big hunk of man wanted to surprise you, mama. I’m here for hair, nails, and makeup. He said there is a room next to the kitchen we could take over?”
I smiled, closed the front door, and led her to the room he deemed my craft room.
“Can I get you some water or anything before we get started?”
She asked for a water and asked if it was okay for her to listen to music while she worked.
Once Jalanea was all set up and ready to go, she worked through my hair and makeup with an unmatched speed. When she got to my nails, I didn’t know the route I wanted to go because I had to think about Hendrix and how active he was becoming, but I had to admit that the social media girlies madelong nails look like a good time. When I couldn’t decide, she decided to put on a pair of press-on nails she’d created, and I instantly fell in love. I could have them on for my night with Arrow, but didn’t have to worry about hurting my baby. When it was all said and done, I looked like a brand-new woman, and had my makeup not been done, I would have teared up.
I looked good, and I hadn’t felt this beautiful in years.
“Damn, girl! You look good.” Jalanea walked a full circle around me and fanned at me.
I laughed and said, “He had you do all of this, and I don’t have a clue as to what he has planned. I don’t have the proper attire for going out.”
“Well, word around the clubhouse is that he has a few more people showing up. Your makeup is neutral, so it’ll match with whatever outfit you choose. The only thing he hasn’t let slip was where he was taking you.”
I laughed because even if he had, I wouldn’t have wanted to know.