“His death timeline has moved up. I am going to set Charlie and the baby up, then I’m getting on the road.”
“I’ll be ready to ride when the time comes.”
I knew that, but hearing it always made me feel good.
We walked toward the clubhouse, but instead of going in, I climbed into my truck to head home. When I pulled up, I couldn’t help but smile, seeing Cecilia and Hendrix on the porch on the swing. She looked good right where she was, and I wouldn’t be mad if she never left. She looked up when I pulled into the driveway and smiled a smile that melted the anger my heart had been wrapped in.
I climbed out of the truck and walked up the four steps that led to the porch.
“Why your brows pinched? Did something happen?”
“You ready to talk about what happened last night?” I asked instead of going into details about what happened with Izzy.
I knew I would have to tell her about our past in depth at some point, but I wasn’t in the headspace at the moment.
“You’re impossible. What do you think we have to talk about, sir?”
I smiled and walked into the house, leaving her on the porch.
Cecilia would follow, so I didn’t bother telling her to do just that. By the time I made it to the half bath to wash my hands, she was coming into the house. She stood outside the door with the baby on one hip and her hand on the other. Once my hands were dry, I exited the half bath and took Hendrix from her and loved on him. When I realized I hadn’t given her a proper greeting, I leaned forward and kissed the side of her mouth.
She smiled, and I chuckled to which her smile dropped, and her mad face took its place.
I led us into the living room, sat down, and said, “I want to apologize for last night. I am not a man that lacks self-control, but I am a selfish man. Last night should not have happened because your husband is still breathing. I have a rule about women that are attached, and last night, all that went out of the window. Now, I wanted you probably more than you wanted me, but I still should have put my needs to the side to makesure mentally, this is what you want. I don’t do casual sex. My territory has been marked, and I want to see if you know what that means.”
“Last night happened because I love the way you make me feel. It may not make sense to make decisions like the one I made last night, but I know what my heart is feeling. Even in this short time, you are all about me. Yes, I have some growing to do alone, but I do not think that can’t happen here with you. To me, you marking your territory means you want me to stay in Rushin Mills with you.”
“I been saying that since the morning after you arrived.”
Cecilia laughed because she knew I was telling the truth.
There was something about her that I wanted to protect and make mine. At first, her safety was the only thing that mattered to me. However, the time we spent together, I wanted every part of her. She filled my spirit in a way that had never happened before her. Letting that go was out of the question.
Plus, there was no one walking this earth that could protect her the way I could, so her being with me was self-explanatory.
“You have, but if you’re going to keep me here forever, I think it’s past time for you to tell me your real name. You have a whole file on me, so I know you know mine. Honestly, I should have asked before you had my cookie in your mouth.”
My lids lowered as they swept her body.
“I am a fan of cookies.” I smirked, and she pushed my shoulder. “Helix.”
“Hmm. I like that… Helix.”
Hearing my name leave her lips caused a chill to run down my spine.
This woman was turning me into a man I didn’t recognize, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Izzy and my father had turned me into something unrecognizable, but with Cecilia in my space, I felt like myself. I played with Hendrix while she looked atus. This was something I could get used to because this was what peace felt like. Everything wouldn’t always be peaches and cream, but for the time being, I would accept the peace that this was.
I looked at Cecilia and gave her a lopsided grin.
“Why you staring like a creep?”
“I’m not a creep. Just admiring you with my heart. Gideon had access to him from conception to his fourth month, and he didn’t have a much care for him as you do, and they share blood.”
“Well, that’s his loss because this little guy is perfect. However, we don’t have to complain because Hendrix will never know Gideon, and that’s the true blessing.”
She nodded, but the smile on her face didn’t reach her eyes.
I hated him for his mother’s actions, but the piece of trash he turned into only added to that hate. Gripping her chin, I brought her to me and kissed her. I wanted nothing more than to be fully buried into her sacred place, but I didn’t want that to be what we were all about, so I pulled her into my side and let Hendrix entertain us for a bit. When he yawned for the third time, she got up and went upstairs to put him down for a nap. While they were gone, I got up to look in the refrigerator to see what I could snack on.