“If memory serves me correctly, that’s exactly what you and my father were doing behind my back. Had it not been for Boss and our accountant, there is no telling how much y’all really would have gotten from me. Don’t put your indiscretions on Charlie. Also, you don’t need to know her… I do, and what I don’t know, I’ll find out. Worry about yourself and stay out of my way. I’m tired of repeating myself. It will never be you again. What is it going to take for you to understand that?”
She started crying, and I scoffed because her tears no longer had any effect on me.
“I’ve apologized several times, Arrow! Why can’t you just give me another chance?”
“You fucked my father our entire relationship, Iz, knowing that man had killed my mother and was married to the woman that helped him do it. You stole from me and plotted with the man you knew I hated, to take me away from my brother. How do you think Boss would respond if he knew that it was you who had been making me sick all those months, huh? I could have died behind that man, and you were willing to help him. Tell me why the fuck would I give you another chance?”
I stepped closer to her, but she was saved by Snoopy clearing his throat at the door.
Never would I have put my hands on her, but I was seconds away from telling her a few things that would break her ass down. Snoopy called her name, and she ignored him and stared at me. I stared right back, and the tears that fell from her eyes had my blood boiling because she hurt me… not the other way around, so I didn’t get the point of this show.
The only thing that made sense was my father being in her ear again, and that had me taking another step toward her.
“Arrow—” Snoopy called my name, but I had nothing for him as I backed Izzy into a wall.
“Did my father send you here?”
“What? No! I haven’t talked to him since you broke up with me. I have no way of getting in contact with him. I swear.”
My eye twitched, and I hated that I couldn’t tell if she was lying to me.
However, I didn’t trust Izzy, so I would have Tech do some digging because if she was being dishonest and had been in contact with him, she would see the same fate as him, his stepson, and wife. I would have to answer to Prez, but I was okay with that. Instead of giving the conversation any more thought, I turned on my heels and left the shop. I was gonna have to put Izzy on notice.
She had too much access to me, and that needed to stop.
“What you doing here?” Boss looked up from the paper he was reading to ask.
I looked around the clubhouse, and there were too many ears around for me to say what was on my mind.
“Come walk with me.”
“Aight, bet.”
He folded his paper, set it on the table, then stood.
I walked in front of my brother, wondering if I should just come clean about our shady ass father or stick with the events that had just taken place at my shop. When we were about three buildings away from the clubhouse, he asked what was on my mind. I turned to him and shrugged my shoulders. The thought of Izzy keeping in contact with our father had me on edge. It wasfuck me all day, but I had Cecilia and Hendrix to protect, and Izzy was too close to the situation.
If she was trying to set me up again, I wouldn’t be responsible for what I did.
“I think Izzy is still talking to your father.”
Boss’s head snapped back.
“What? What the hell would make you think that? You sure you not paranoid because your girl is here with us?”
I broke down the entire conversation that I had with Izzy in my office.
“Plus, I’m not understanding her sudden obsession with being in my face. It’s making me think he is pulling her strings to get her to be on my good side again. It feels like a setup. After everything she did at the instruction of him in the past... This clinginess has me about to tweak the fuck out because why can’t she fall back like she been doin’? It’s not just my interest in Charlie. It can’t be.”
With me saying Charlie instead of Cecilia, Boss looked around and noticed two Rebels and nodded.
He’d seen the full file like I had, so he knew her real name just like I did. However, I was feeling like I didn’t know who I could trust, and I hated that. I had been a Rebel since I was fifteen.
These men were my brothers, but Izzy showed me that the only one I could truly trust was the man that came from the same woman as me: Boss.
“Well, let’s get Tech on it because no matter how well they hide it, that man will find out.”
I nodded, and we slapped hands.