“I got him. Snoopy is almost as good as me, so y’all should win.” Snoopy flipped me off. I laughed and handed her the monitor.
Unable to keep my lips to myself, I kissed her forehead and left them to the game.
“Arrow, can we ta?—”
I kept walking, and Izzy knew better than to follow me.
When I reached the bedroom, Hendrix’s little whimpers turned into a big cry that had me rushing to his side. I scooped him up, and the crying stopped. Smiling down at him, I grabbed the monitor that had been watching him sleep and walked over to the sectional to sit down. Like I’d seen Cecilia do a thousand times, I checked his diaper to see if he was wet.
Once I had confirmation that he was indeed wet, I spoke into the monitor, telling her she was up.
“You couldn’t change him?” Hearing Boss’s voice, I looked up and smirked, seeing him irritated.
He and Buck must have been losing again and were mad their game was interrupted.
“Sorry, duty calls. I ain’t never changed no baby. I wasn’t about to practice now and have the shit messed up.”
“Whatever. Come take her spot then. We put three G’s each on this game, and I want my money.”
I laughed and handed the baby off so I could beat my brother in yet another game.
Like I thought, Buck and Boss were losing and thought they had a chance. After twenty minutes, Cecilia was on her way backto me, but this time, she wasn’t alone. Izzy beat her to me and sat in my lap. Without thinking, I pushed her off me and stood. She screamed, and Boss was out of his seat and in front of me with the quickness.
I had never put my hands on a woman, so I felt bad, but Izzy knew that I didn’t mess with her on any level, so her ass should have never met my lap.
“Arrow! What the fuck?” Boss pushed me back some.
I turned to Cecilia, and she was visibly shaking.
“It was a knee-jerk reaction. I do not under any circumstances put my hands on women,” I pleaded. “She knows how I feel, and she only did that shit to fuck with you and?—”
“I know. The situation between y’all was made clear the other day. The only one that seems to be unable to grasp the reality of the situation is the dummy on the ground.”
Izzy popped up, and Cecilia never took her eyes off her. I grabbed her wrist and put her behind me because the last thing she would be doing is fighting. Izzy chuckled, sucked her teeth, then walked off.
My heart was racing because I thought I had royally fucked up, but God saw fit to give me more time with the beauty glued to my back.
Arrow was on edge,but he shouldn’t have been.
Izzy was lucky that he had gotten to her before I did. I didn’t know when or how this possessiveness of Arrow came over me, but her ass was playing with fire.
The moment I stepped out on the balcony, Arrow’s eyes had been on me, so her sitting in his lap had truly surprised him.
“I know you said you understand, but with your history, I have to make sure that you know that I am not that kind of man.”
“Arrow, I know. She just better be glad that you got to her before I did. I don’t get women like Izzy. Whatever the two of you shared is long gone. Unless she knows something I don’t, she needs to keep all of her body parts to herself.”
Arrow smirked, but I didn’t find anything funny.
“I don’t care what the next chick does. You won’t be out here fighting. You got me?”
My body tingled all over as his eyes swept my body from head to toe.
We’d been back at his house for an hour and had showered and were in bed watching a true crime docuseries I found on his streaming service. I was more interested in him than the show, but I wasn’t sure how to approach him about what I needed from him. Arrow created this sense of security, and my body was in dire need. However, technically, I was still married.
Although I had checked out long ago, would Arrow be able to truly see me?
“Can I ask you a question?” Arrow opened his mouth, and I said, “And if you say I already did, I’m gonna hit you.” We laughed.