I grabbed the water pitcher, the plates, and napkins, then followed them into the dining room. Since Arrow was stillholding the baby, I cut into his pizza, asked if he wanted any toppings, and served him. I prayed over our food and dug in. My eyes closed on their own volition, and I couldn’t help the moan that slipped. Gideon never allowed me in the kitchen, but I watched enough social media to know how to get around a kitchen. Clearly, those skills didn’t disappoint.

When I opened my eyes, I was startled to see Arrow staring at me.

“The shit good, but damn… If it got you moaning like that, then maybe I need a piece of yours.”

The frown on his face was one of concentration, and I couldn’t help the laugh that belted out.

“What?” I laughed. “I made our pizzas the exact same.”

“Nah, ’cause mine not hitting like yours, and I feel cheated.” He pulled Hendrix off his chest and looked my baby in the face and said, “Your pops might have been onto something with her cooking.”

I hit Arrow on the arm and cracked up.

Never in a million years at first glance would I have believed that a man who looked like him could have a sense of humor. He shook his head and went back to eating his pizza. Dinner didn’t take us long to get through, and by the end, Hendrix was getting fussy, so I decided to feed him and shower before finding a movie to watch for the night.

Arrow told me he’d clean the dinner dishes while I settled in, but before I got all the way upstairs, the doorbell rang.

“What do you want?”

“Bitch, move, and don’t talk to me like that. Where my sis and nephew?”

Realizing it was only Boss took some of my panic away. I still couldn’t believe that my son was named after him. My intention originally when we were free was to change his name, but now I wasn’t one hundred percent sure.

“She’s getting them ready for bed. I probably won’t sleep until I know she ain’t gon’ bounce when I’m knocked out.”

I didn’t wait to hear Boss’s reply because leaving had been at the back of my mind but so had staying.

Arrow didn’t want me to leave, but that was nothing new. Now, it was me that was hesitant. I was aware that all of this would blow up in my face, but a big part of me trusted that Arrow would do as he said and protect me. Crazy, since we were practically strangers; however, in my mind, it made perfect sense.

I was in my head so long I hadn’t realized that Hendrix was done eating and had knocked himself out.

“All right, baby boy. Let’s get you washed down so I can get you in the bed.”

His little lips turned up and smiled.

I kissed his cheeks and took him into the bathroom so I could wash the day off him. In no time, I had Hendrix bathed, in a new diaper, and jammies. I laid him down in the middle of the bed and got all my things for a shower. A bath would have been nice, but I was eager to get back downstairs. It was silly, but no one had to know my reasonings but me.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I went into a slight panic seeing that Arrow’s body took up most of the queen-size mattress.

“I know you have your own room. This bed not as big as the one at the clubhouse.”

“After three days, I’m sure you know that where you and Hendrix are, that is where I’ll be. We can move down the hall to my bedroom, but I want you comfortable, so… get yo’ ass in the bed.”

“You do know that you aren’t the boss of me, right?”

Arrow offered a grunt but no more words. I shook my head and pulled the blanket back to find Hendrix clutching Arrow’sbeard, fast asleep. Times like this I wish I had my cell phone to capture these moments.

Two DaysLater

Today was our St. Patrick’s Day night out, and I had been trying to ask Cecilia if she wanted to go ever since Boss reminded me about it.

None of us were Irish, but we knew how to drink, and tonight, there would be a lot of drinking going on. Boss told me that if I didn’t ask her, he would, and I threatened to end his life. My brother played too much, and the fact that I knew for a fact her son was named after him didn’t make the situation any better.

I sat on the couch, staring at the stairs, waiting for Cecilia to come down.

“Hey. I thought you’d be at work. Are you off today?”

Her voice startled me, and she giggled at seeing me jump.