“I want you to know that when I get my hands on him, it’s a wrap. The fact that he’s Hendrix’s father will not matter to me when he and I are face-to-face.”

Her right shoulder lifted into a shrug.

I didn’t need her permission because the death was happening, but I wanted to make sure that when the deed was done, she wouldn’t be surprised. Cecilia turned around and got back to kneading the dough that was in front of her. I was tempted to let her know that I knew who she was, but the little bit of time we spent together told me that she would shut down and run whether she had the car or not. However, I thought about my pursuit of her and felt like I needed to come clean, because the last thing I wanted her to think was I wanted her as some revenge against Gideon. Yeah, I couldn’t keep my mouth closed no matter how much I wanted.

I cleared my throat, and she looked up from the pizza sauce.

“What’s wrong? Why did your whole demeanor change?”

“I need to talk to you, but I need you to listen to hear me and not listen to respond and react. Can you do that?”

She squinted and set the spatula down.

“I don’t know… You’re scaring me.”

I nodded and took a seat at one of the stools I kept around the island. I cleared the space in front of me and set the file on the island. Cecilia looked at it, and she gripped the counter as I opened it and slid the picture from the top over to her.

She hissed, stumbled, and burst into tears.

I couldn’t breathe.

In all the things I thought he would want to talk about, I never envisioned it would be a file a mile long on Gideon, me, and our years together. The file even held all the notes from my many hospital visits. How the nurses were ready to call the police to protect me, but in the end, the mighty dollar for their silence won.

Was it possible for my heart to break this way?

“Why did you go out and get all that? I told you whatever happened between me and Gideon wasn’t any of your concern. I just wanted to go on about my merry way, but you made a point to keep me despite what I wanted. Now you have that stupidfolder. What are you going to do? Two million dollars is a lot, so I guess you’re about to be like everybody else and hand me over?”

“Gideon’s money is no good with me. The only thing I’m after when it comes to him is his blood on my hands. Come here.” Arrow held out his hand to me.

I shook my head, leaned down so my head was resting on the island, and sobbed.


I heard the stool scoot back, but I paid it no mind because my mind was moving a mile a minute.

I could feel Arrow before he touched me. He placed his hand in the middle of my back and rubbed small circles. I didn’t want to, but I leaned into him. What did Arrow knowing who I really was mean for me? The urge to run away before I had to come into contact with Gideon was heavy on my spirit. Arrow came to the left side of me and grabbed my hands.

Once he had my wrists in his large hands, he pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me.

“You are free of him. Even if there was a way and he escaped his fate, there will never be a time where you are in his presence again. You and Hendrix are safe forever. I know you want to leave, but something in my spirit is telling me you need to be here. All this sappy shit is making me itch, but you’ll be good here. No matter what.”

“I wish you hadn’t looked for the information. If something happens to you in pursuit of him, it would kill me, and I don’t want that. Gideon doesn’t fight fair, and he will hit you where it hurts. You don’t know him like I do.”

“What if I knew him better?”

I snatched my hands away from him and stepped back.

My eyes scanned Arrow’s face, but it gave nothing away. I opened my mouth, then closed it as my brows dipped. He shook his head and grabbed my face, touching his forehead to mine.Arrow’s grip was tight, but there was no pain. The look in his eyes calmed a part of me, although I wanted to fight it.

Arrow used his thumbs to swipe away my tears.

“His death was coming long before you and him ever existed. I had no idea that he was even married, but when I came for him, it wouldn’t have mattered. Gideon, his mother, and my father?—”

“Your father!” I whisper-yelled. “So, my son is really named after Hendrix? Did y’all know who…”

“No. I was tired of you looking over your shoulder—even when you didn’t think I noticed, so I had my guy pull your information to end this. You tying us to him, to me, was God’s way of giving me the green light to do what needs to be done.”

With a stale face, I pursed my lips.