In the center of the table, there was a pitcher I’d never seen before filled with orange juice.

“Your girl did her thing. Izzy is a beast in the kitchen, but this was made with love, so it tastes different.” Ro admired the plate full of food.

“Don’t get used to it. She’s been put on notice that this was the first and last time. You want something to eat, wait for Izzy or make it yourself.”

“Damn. Never thought my biggest hater would be you, brother.”

Ro laughed, and I snorted.

I scooped some of the potatoes into my mouth and couldn’t help but close my eyes and rotate my head from side to side. Baby girl definitely cooked with love. This tasted like some goodness I wanted to get used to.

Charlie found her way to the dining room with her own plate.

“You didn’t eat?” I asked as I tore into a piece of the crispiest bacon I’d ever had.

She shrugged. “I nibbled as I cooked to make sure everything tasted good, but I was waiting for you.”

I looked at the side of her face because she refused to give me her eyes.

“You don’t have to wait, especially if you’re hungry. Don’t little man eat what you do?” Charlie smirked and nodded. “Aight, don’t wait, because he need all his strength.”

She didn’t reply, and I hadn’t expected her to.

I was learning that Charlie didn’t do a lot of back and forth. Well, that was with everything but her leaving. I looked around, and a thought came to me, but I shook my head because I was once again being selfish when it came to her and Hendrix. However, I honestly didn’t care.

What I wanted, I always got, so this would be no different.

“As long as I have milk, he will be fine. I do want to look for the post office so I can have some things shipped there. I need a pump, more clothes, bottles, and so much more. When I left, I took enough for us to get our new lives started, but since we’ve been held captive here, I’m quickly realizing we wouldn’t have gotten far.”

“Captive, huh?”

“That’s what this is, but I won’t complain. Even if this all blows up in my face, I’ve gotten peace for a few days. I know it’ll be worth it.”

Charlie’s eyes met mine, and I nodded.

After her first day in Rushin Mills, she had been more relaxed, but I hated hearing that she waited for the other shoe to drop. There would be no other shoe. However, I understood I would have to prove that to her. I didn’t know how long she had been with her husband, but I was sure there was some type of fear he instilled in her. The fact that he hadn’t reported his son missing told me everything I needed to know. Ol’ boy was trying to cover whatever she did and her escape.

Once he caught up with Charlie, he would be in for a rude awakening, and I couldn’t wait for the day.

“Good, because the situation isn’t changing.” I gave her my best smile. “Also, you and Hendrix are moving out of here. The clubhouse is used for booty calls, and the guys have been trying to be respectful to y’all, but they want their space back.” I leaned to the left and reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. “You can use my card to order whatever y’all want from my account and have it delivered to my house. It’ll come in my name in case yours is being tracked.”

“Your house? You think I’m about to up and move into your place?”

I pulled my black card from the wallet and set it in front of her.

“Wasn’t really looking to have your approval.”

She glared at me, slid back from the table, and marched to the back of the clubhouse. What I said would go because she didn’t have another choice. She could have stayed at the clubhouse, but I didn’t like how exposed it had her, and I missed my bed.

“Whew,little boy. What in the world am I feeding you?”

I held my breath as I attempted to change Hendrix without smearing his poop all over him and this makeshift changing table.

My stomach turned every which way, and he just looked at me wearing the biggest smile, showing all his gums. I chuckled and immediately regretted it. I turned my face and had to take a deep breath.

Hendrix was gonna have to be put outside to air dry.

“Damn! What the hell is that smell.”