I had to guard myself a lot better than I did with Gideon, or I feared this time, I would be a lot worse off.

The Next Day

I walked out of the clubhouse, and Boss was leaning on his bike. I wanted to turn around and go back inside.

Whatever he wanted, I wasn’t in the mood to deal with. Boss waiting for me instead of simply calling or texting meant that club business needed handling. Like the simp Charlie made me, I planned to show her around Rushin Mills today.

However, my brother’s appearance let me know that I would be doing none of what I had planned.

“Aw, why the long face?”

I flipped him off and made my way to my bike.

“Less talking and more riding. I ain’t trying to be gone that long.”

Boss tossed his head back and laughed.

“Scared your lady gon’ run away?”

Instead of responding, I climbed onto my bike and started it.

Boss laughed and did the same. He revved his engine and flew past me. I followed my brother through the streets and out of our compound of Rushin Mills. It didn’t take us long to arrive at our destination, and I grinned when we climbed off our bikes.

Billings must have gotten beside himself because Boss pulled up without warning.

“This a quick visit, or we gettin’ dirty?”

“Depends on him. He pushin’ this shit with Buck like he is confused about who we are, so I plan to remind him. I had to spend all night talking Buck off the cliff over that husband. At this point, I’m ready to pop dude so I can get my sleep back.”

I chuckled and said, “That would be the easy way, but with him in Billings’ back pocket, that’ll cause more issues than he’s worth.”

Once a problem became a nuisance, we handled it one way, but this time, said problem had gone to the police.

There was no getting Buck’s issue handled our way, so our best bet was to go through Billings. Going to him would be difficult because he had this personal vendetta against the Rebels. No one knew the true reason, but he liked to pretend it was because we ignored the law and created our own town. That may have been part of his truth, but it wasn’t all of it. Boss and I climbed steps two at a time, and when we reached the door, Billings pulled it open.

He was in a robe two sizes too small and had more holes than Swiss cheese.

“Is there a reason you’re trespassing?” he asked, pulling his tattered robe tighter.

Boss stepped into Billings’s personal space, and he moved back to create space.

“Nah, but you can tell me why you’re harassing Wayne Nelson. The moment that man came into your office spitting lies, you should have moved onto another case. What is your problem? Do I need to go to Chief Morton about your behavior?”

Billings glared at Boss, then me. I prayed this little field trip didn’t turn physical, because Billings was a drama queen. He was going to do whatever he wanted, but a visit from Boss usually slowed him down a bit.

“How do I know that Mr. Nelson didn’t make her say that? I think there is a case here, because he cannot just go around messing up marriages and hurting people. Mr. McCullough has evidence that Buck forced his wife to be with him, so your visit was made in vain. Have a great day, fellas.”

Billings waited for us to move, but we weren’t going anywhere.

Buck was a wild character and could be a damn fool on his best day, but he didn’t deserve what that woman’s husband and Billings were trying to do to him. It was childish and simply a way for Billings to have a gotcha moment on the Rebels. The husband, I could understand.

He needed his version to be the truth because any other way would mean his wife really stepped out on him.

“We are having a great day for sure, but yours is about to get worse.”


The sound of revving engines, glass breaking, and NWA’s “Fuck the Police” caught our attention. I tried my best to keep a smile off my face because he was going to blame the Rebels, but since we were in the house, there was no proof. Billings tried to step around Boss, but my brother moved with him, so they were essentially in the same spot.