“Please let me go now,” Aaron whines.
“Not until you’ve apologized,” Louis says. “That’s what this is about, remember?”
Aaron grits his teeth and looks away, and Louis turns his attention back to me.
“Look how beautiful he is when he’s gotten what he deserves,” he says, eyes glittering with pride as he gazes down at me. “What does it feel like to know you’ll never get to touch him again?”
Aaron hangs his head. “Please. Just let me go.”
“Not before you’ve admitted you don’t deserve him.”
“I don’t deserve him,” Aaron whispers. “Please. Please.”
“You never did.”
“I never did.”
Louis’s voice darkens. “Admit you deserve death for what you did to him.”
Aaron grits his teeth, his whole body shaking along with his head. “No. No, please.”
Louis lets go of me and stands upright to face my foster brother. “Seems you haven’t learned your lesson yet.”
“No, please!” Aaron yells. “I’ll do anything, just let me go!”
“Apologize,” Louis growls, and he pinches the bloody stump of Aaron’s cut-off finger.
“Fuuuuck!” Aaron wails. “Fuck, please wait!”
I slide off the table and get to my feet on wobbling legs. “Wait for what?”
I’m so close to Aaron he could suck my cock. He’s crying again—fat tears rolling down his pathetic face. I bring my hand between my legs and catch a drop of cum from my hole. I slather my hand on Aaron’s cheek, pushing a mixture of his tears and Louis’s cum into his mouth.
With a muffled groan and frightened eyes, Aaron catches the pad of my finger with his tongue, and he sucks. I press two, then three fingers into his mouth, pushing them so deep he gags.
He whimpers wordlessly once I’ve pulled the fingers out. “I’m sorry, Sparrow,” he sobs. “I’m sorry, okay? Please don’t kill me.”
“Kill you?” I ask with a smile. “Oh, we won’t kill you. We’re not animals. Right, Louis?”
I look back at my lover, and the gaze we exchange is so charged, so electric, that I can barely resist jumping back up into his lap. Instead, I go to him and take his hand.
Naked as the day we were born, we watch as sobs rack Aaron’s body. He’s staring at us, fearing us.
Fearing me.
He’s afraid of me. The realization strikes me with a satisfaction so intense it sends shivers up my spine. He’s afraid of what I can do to him. He’s afraid of my strength—the one quality I never had in life, the one quality I thought would be hidden from me for good. Now I have it. Thanks to Louis, I have it.
Louis picks a small knife from the toolbox and places it in my outstretched hand.
“No,” Aaron sobs, his voice escalating to screams as I approach. “No, no!”
I don’t want to kill him. I want to fuckingbreak him.
I barely remember how we get home.
I recall sitting in a warm car.