Aaron is gasping and crying, snot and tears dripping down his nose. I recognize myself in his expression. The first time he shoved himself inside me, I cried out from the pain. After that, I stared at the sudsy water until I felt numb instead.
I don’t want him to feel numb; I want him to feel everything.
“Come here, baby,” Louis says, beckoning me closer.
I step in front of Aaron. Louis gets up from the chair, lines himself up to my back, and cups my face in his bloody hand.
“Look at this beautiful boy again.Reallylook at him. See? He’s mine.”
A finger slides across my lips, and the taste of blood seeps over my tongue as I lick the pad of Louis’s thumb.
Given the circumstances and my unresolved anger at Louis, my cock filling up in my pants should come as a surprise, perhaps, but it feels as right as everything else that has transpired here so far.
I can’t erase the years I was under Aaron’s mercy, but the greatest revenge would be to show him how another man pleasures me, and not just anyone. Louis. My Louis.
I turn around, slide my hands around his shoulders, and stand on my tippy-toes to slip my tongue into his mouth.
“You’re fucking insane,” Aaron whimpers behind me.
If he thinks this is insane, he hasn’t seen anything yet.
Louis groans, getting the memo straight away. He lifts me by my thighs, turns us to the table, and lays me gently down on my back. I crane my head to the side, and I’m so close to Aaron we nearly touch. I smile at him—a crazed, adrenaline-fueled smile. A vengeful smile.
“Fuck,” Aaron whines, squeezing his eyes shut and turning away.
Louis leans over and grabs his face. “You’re going to watch this, motherfucker. Every single second of it. You’re going to see how good I fuck him, and how much he enjoys it. You heard me?”
Aaron swallows.
“You heard me?” Louis repeats.
“Yes,” Aaron whimpers.
Louis unbuckles my jeans. He does it gently, carefully, all attention now turned to me. Once he’s got me naked, he parts my thighs, gets down on his knees, and swallows my cock into his mouth. I don’t even have to act to show Aaron how much I enjoy it.
“I did that to you too,” Aaron whispers.
“Yeah,” I gasp, voice strained with pleasure, “but not as good as…mmm…Louis does it.”
The fact that I’m not yet sure where we stand after our fight just makes this even hotter. That he didn’t hesitate. That he wanted it as badly as I did.
He pulls off and slathers his fingers in saliva. “You didn’t know how to appreciate him,” he says as he pries a finger into my hole. “But I do. That’s why he chose me.”
As I ride this adrenaline-fueled crazy train, the lack of proper lube doesn’t even bother me. When Louis slides another finger inside, I grin at Aaron, who’s still ugly crying and glaring at me with hatred in his eyes.
“He needs a lot of attention, see?” Louis mumbles. “Did you ever even make him come?”
“I did. Tell him, Sparrow.”
Louis snorts. “Bet you never made him come as hard as this.”
His fingers find my prostate, and he swallows my cock back into his mouth. I let out a shout as my balls tighten, and Louis’s hot mouth has me coming before I’ve even realized I was close. He swallows it all before he scoops me up in his arms, and I fall languidly onto his chest.
“See?” he mumbles. “That’s how you make him come.”
“Fucking psychos,” Aaron spits.
While I’m still floating on the heady wave of my orgasm, a giggle builds deep in my chest until I burst into laughter.