Page 82 of Breaking You Open

As I stumble toward the door, I catch Ravi’s eye one last time. He does a salute, the idiot, making me smile despite everything and stirring the last bit of hope still residing in my jaded heart.

The November night embraces me with a misty chill. Without much hope that Sparrow’s still around, I scan the parking lot. It’s empty save for two figures down by the woods. They’re struggling, with one larger figure atop another, smaller one, and although I can barely make them out in the darkness, I know instantly who they are.

Fear and rage hit me, sobering me up in a way I wouldn’t have thought possible, and I spring into action.

First, I grab a fallen branch from the side of the road, my father’s voice echoing in my head.Be resourceful.

With long strides, I step toward the two figures, and as the attacker turns to me with his mouth open wide, I send a well-aimed swing to the side of his head.Be quick.

He doesn’t even have time to scream. With one hit, he falls like a marionette with its strings cut, sprawling to the ground.Be ruthless.

At least my father gave me some good advice—not in terms of hunting animals, but in terms of protecting the ones I love.

“Louis!” Sparrow leaps from the ground, but he doesn’t stop there; he throws himself into my embrace so suddenly I waver, despite his slight weight. I hold him tight, sighing into his shoulder, a wave of immense relief coursing through me.

He’s okay. He’s unharmed.

My violence saved him.

He buries his cheek into my vest, and only now do I realize he’s been crying. What did that monster do to him? I set him back on the ground, and he stares at the unconscious young man at our feet.

“Is he dead?”

I nudge the fucker with my foot, and he lets out a pained groan. Guess not.

“What are we going to do with him?” Sparrow asks.

“I have a few ideas.”

Together, we stare at Aaron’s unconscious form, and again, I wish I was stone-cold sober. I want all my senses saturated with his pain.

He hurt my Sparrow, and he’ll pay for it in blood.

Chapter 27


Louis gave me apromise once.

If we ever run into Aaron, I’ll kill him for you.

My hopes were scarce that he’d get to follow through on his promise, yet here we are. We’re ready.

Ravi blacks out the windows of the bar. Louis disappears into the back room and reemerges with a large toolbox I can only guess the contents of. I clear a space in front of the bar and cover the floor with a tarp, underneath which we have tied Aaron to a chair. He takes his sweet time to wake up, which leaves us plenty of time to get ready.

“Try not to make too much of a mess,” Ravi mutters. Cigarette in his mouth, he retreats toward the exit. “I’ll keep watch. I doubt even Chief Hastings will look between his fingers if he finds out.”

There’s a groan, then a creek from the chair in the middle of the room. Aaron’s eyes open as slits first before they shoot open wide.

Louis opens the toolbox in front of him before he turns to me, and our eyes meet. We still have a lot to unpack between us, but this takes priority for now. United in understanding, we turn toward my foster brother.

My greatest tormentor. The lover who gave me no love at all.

His lips are tight, jaw clenched and determined as he stares at us.

“Finally awake?” Louis says. “Good. We’re about to start.”

“Start what?” Aaron snaps. I can tell he’s trying to keep it together, but when Louis moves toward him, he starts squirming in his restraints. His chest heaving, his crazed eyes search the room for a means of escape but find none.