Page 20 of Breaking You Open

“How could you leave me?” He pulls out and plunges back inside, and I bite into the pillow to muffle the whimpered sounds coming out of my mouth. “Didn’t I take care of you?” He slides a hand into my hair, almost lovingly, before he yanks hard as he presses deeper and deeper. “Oh fuck, I’ve missed this ass. So tight, so ready for me. Mine, always mine…” His thrusts grow more erratic as he snaps his hips into me. It’s too dry to be truly pleasurable, but part of me basks in the attention that Aaron gives me but Louis did not, and my limp cock starts to fill without my permission.

This is the way it always was between us: I took what pleasures I could without shame, because what else could I do?

I wish it wasn’t Aaron holding me down. I wish for a bearded cheek scratching mine, a gruff voice in my ear, the smell of motor oil and mint filling my nostrils and a far bigger cock stretching me open…

Louis. I want Louis. But Louis doesn’t want me, and I need someone to want me. Maybe it’s my lot in life to make do with Aaron. Maybe he’s right; maybe I was wrong to leave him. Despite his awfulness, despite his cruelty, it’s better than nothing.

But then I remember what he did, and my tears of pain turn into tears of fury, and his thrusts do nothing but stoke the fires of my hate.

A keening noise tears from my throat, and Aaron interprets it as another sign entirely.

“Yeah, take it.” He yanks my head to the side and spits in my face, and my open mouth receives his saliva as if it spilled from a chalice of holy water. “You need this. You need me.”

My cock rubs into the sheets as my ass clenches around him, and…there. I shudder with the pleasure-pain of my orgasm, whine as the last semblance of my dignity is ripped away.

Aaron flips me over and jerks off between my parted legs, and with a hand on the back of my neck, he yanks me forward and sprays my face with his release. I take his cum along with my shame.

For a blessed few seconds, I lie panting, feeling nothing and seeing nothing, but Aaron doesn’t let me rest for long; he rips me out of bed, wrenches my pants back over my hips, and rubs my face clean with a disgusted scoff.

“What shit from this place do you need to bring with you?”

His words pass through me without impression, without meaning. “What?”

He looks around the room, rips my closet open, and starts shoving a random assortment of my clothes into an empty backpack.

I come slowly alive again, and I barely dare to ask, because I already know. “Aaron…What are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing? You’re coming with me.”

“No,” I say, swallowing against my dry throat. “I’m not.”

Aaron whips his head to me, and his smile is sharp enough to cut glass. “Why did you think I came all the way here, huh? Just to fuck your little ass and leave you covered in my cum? I’m here to take you back to Madame’s.”

“I won’t go.” Fucking me is one thing. Taking me away from my freedom here and back into my prison at Madame’s? No way. I can’t let him. I won’t.

“Yeah, you will,” he mutters, backpack in one hand and my upper arm wrenched in the other. “Let’s go.”


“Stop struggling and shut up,” he hisses, nails digging into my flesh.

“No! No!” I struggle as he pulls me toward the window, but he’s so much stronger than me, so much bigger, and I can’t, I can’t…My hand scrambles for something, anything. We reach Lilith’s desk, and I grasp the handle of her big makeup mirror and whack it over the side of Aaron’s head. In the hit, I put all the strength I can summon, all the years of pain he put me through.

The mirror shatters into a hundred pieces around us, and Aaron crashes to the ground.

I stare at him, panting and panicked and with something biting into my cheek. I touch my face, and my hand comes away bloody. A shard of the broken mirror must have sliced my skin. I put more force into that blow than I ever thought possible. Wait…was it hard enough to…

I throw myself to the ground and check his pulse. Still alive. There’s a large shard of the mirror by his neck, and I imagine plunging it into his flesh, splitting him open the way he’s split me open countless times…But the very thought sends a piercing pain through my chest.

I can’t do it. But if I can’t kill him, what do I do instead? I can’t stay here when he wakes up, and now that he knows where I live, he’ll come after me again. But where do I go? Where can I go where he won’t dare to follow? I don’t know anyone in town…

A pair of amber eyes surface in my mind. A rough hand rinsing my mouth after I puked my guts out in his toilet. A decisive grip on my hair, and a patient voice teaching me how to suck his cock…

I do know someone; I knowhim.

I don’t put on a jacket. I don’t even stop to get my backpack from the floor before I leave.

Rain patters from the open window, and it calls to me.Hecalls to me.