Page 2 of Breaking You Open

I yelped and wrapped my arms around my legs, the water splashing over the sides of the tub. The bathroom lock was prone to jamming, so I’d left the door open, but I sure hadn’t expected him to just walk right in!

Aaron laughed. “Don’t worry. We’re both guys, aren’t we? I just wanted to check on you.”

“I know how to take a bath,” I muttered, the heat on my face having little to do with the fumes of the water. I hugged my arms around my scrawny torso, knees up to my chin.

“Yeah, but do you know how to clean yourself properly?” He gestured with his hands. “Come on, stand up.”


“Do as I say.”

There was a new sharpness in his voice—an authoritative tone I was hopeless not to obey. Usually, no one even noticed me, if not to tease me about my looks or my stuttering. Never had anyone paid rapt attention to me like Aaron, and the novelty of it had me both thrilled and a little scared.

I took hold of the sides of the tub and rose slowly, taking care not to slip on the slick surface underfoot. The cold air clung to my skin, and I longed to get back into the heat of the water.

“There you go,” Aaron said. “Stay still, and I’ll help you get clean.”

He pumped a few squirts of soap into his hands and reached for me, slick palms wandering over my shoulders, my chest, my stomach, and between my thighs. His movements were rough but careful, and he gave my chest more attention than the rest of me. The feeling of his thumbs sliding over my nipples made me gasp and shy away from his touch.

“Turn around,” he said, something breathy in his voice.

“Aaron …”

“Do as I say. I need to make sure you’ve cleaned yourself thoroughly.”

I turned around. His hand slid down the small of my back, down to a place where no one had ever touched me before.

My voice raised in alarm. “Aaron…”

He withdrew for a moment to pump more soap into his hand, and when his touch returned, his fingers were slick and cold. I squirmed at his touch. This felt different. Strange. Way too private, but I didn’t have it in me to protest.

“Yeah, you’re clean.” His belt buckle clinked. “Come here. Step out of the bath.”

“But …”

“Just do it. I need to get a better look.”

I did as he told me, stepping with shaking legs onto the floor, shivering and dripping with water.

His hand pressed on my shoulder blades. “Bend down a bit.”

I hunched over the lip of the bath, and Aaron grabbed hold of my hips, positioning my backside until it tilted uncomfortably upward. He pumped the soap again, and there was a slick sound as he did something behind me. Then a sudden stinging pain when he pressed something blunt against my…

“Aaron…Wait—” My voice cut off in a wail. It burned! It hurt so much, and my eyes filled with tears, pain and shock rendering me unable to move.

“It’s okay,” Aaron gasped. His hands gripped my hips, and I in turn gripped the edge of the tub, holding on for dear life as he rocked back into me. “Holy fuck, that’s tight. Much tighter than with a girl.”

It burned, yes—it burned like nothing else—but there was another feeling there too: one of being noticed, of being seen. At least he wanted to be close to me. At least he saw me, the way no one else did.

The span of time slipped from my mind along with the tears falling from my nose into the cooling water. Drip, drip, drip…

“You’re so small and weak, like a bird,” Aaron mumbled. “Like a little sparrow.” His soap-slick hands slid clumsily over my hips as he moved quicker now, hips staggering. “You like this,” he gasped into my ear. “I’ve seen how you’ve been watching me. You want to be my girl, little Sparrow.”

I gave a pained noise in reply—not quite an agreement, but not a protest either.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna…” A gasp, a spasm of his hips, and then he pulled back with a surprised chuckle. “Damn, that was quick.” He rested his hand on my flank as he caught his breath.

Then he pulled his pants back on and left.