“You okay?” Taryn asks when I just stare at my plate.

“Yeah. Um, I just haven’t had a burger in so long, I kinda wanna savor it, you know?” I say, finally acknowledging the elephant in the room.

“You poor girl. Troy told us what happened. It must have been awful. Come to the dinner tomorrow and I’ll fatten you up with pie and some homemade meatloaf,” Missy says patting my arm.

“That would be amazing,” I say finally eating the burger. It might be the second-best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth.

I love these women for not making a bigger deal out of my ordeal.

We make standing plans to have a girl’s day every week. I learn that most of the time it’s all the women, but they wanted it to be just us to not overwhelm me. I give them credit for not asking questions about the compound. My mom couldn’t even help asking questions about it.

In the car, we jam out to the radio.

“Hey, Lissette. Has Troy proposed yet?” Jaymes asks from the back.

“No, not yet. Do you think he should have by now? I mean it’s only been about two weeks.”

“Brand asked me like the first night,” she says. “I don’t mean that like it sounds, but we both had issues and we both knew what we wanted.”

“I know what I want,” I say quietly. “You guys got any tips or ideas to make him do it?” I begin to wonder if it’s me. Maybe he doesn’t want to marry me.

“He’ll ask you. Don’t worry. It’s like ingrained in the Jorgensen men’s DNA or something,” Kensi says.

We pull up to the house and I get out, thanking them.

Inside, it’s dark. Shit, I missed putting Kari to bed, but I guess Daddy handled that. I smile when I check on her, all tucked in.

Moving into the bedroom, Troy is watching sports recap, but he turns it off when I come in.

“Have fun?” he asks.

“Yes. It was a blast.”

“Good. You bought some new clothes.”

“I did. Nothing fancy.”

“You want fancy things?”

“No. Not at all.”

“You deserve fancy things, Lisette. You deserve everything you want.”

“All I want is you and our family.”

“You have me, Lissi. Always have, always will,” he says standing from the bed. He’s just in his boxer briefs. “I love you, baby. Let me show you.”

“You don’t have to ask to make love to me, Troy. I am yours, body and soul,” I reply taking his sudden kiss. He strips me down and makes love to me all night.

Who needs sleep when you’re in love? Not me. I just need him, his cock, his love. Everything he wants to give me. I want it all.9TroyFour Weeks LaterShit. I sprint out of bed at the sound of Lisette puking her guts up in the bathroom. I make it in there in just enough time for her to have a go of it again. I hold her hair out of the way, rubbing her back. When she finally looks like she is done, I sit her on the counter and brush her teeth for her. She doesn’t say anything this whole time and it worries me.

“Baby, are you ok? Do you need me to call the doctor?” I ask kissing her forehead.

“No.” She says, her voice hoarse and low. I look into her eyes trying to see...anything to tell me how to handle this.

“Are you sure? How are feeling now?”

“I’m fine, Troy. Just pregnant is all.” She says this as she drops down off the sink and walks out the bathroom leaving me standing there like a statue. Pregnant. Did she just say pregnant? Holy fuck!! I am going to be a daddy again. Is all I keep thinking. My mind is suddenly all over the place doing a marathon, making sprints and lists of shit that needs to be done. Then it hits me. I still haven’t asked her to marry me.

Walking out of the bathroom, I go into the room throw a T-shirt on and grab my car keys. Jumping into the car, I run to my parents’ house to go and grab Kari. She needs to be home with us when we celebrate this and make us official. I pull the ring out of my glove box and put it in my pocket, making sure I don’t forget to do that. Pulling up to my folks, I run up the steps and into the front door.

“Well good morning son. What brings you here this bright and early in the morning?” My dad asks, his face etched in amusement. He of all people should know I don’t function much before ten in the morning, but this couldn’t wait.

“Sorry dad. I need to grab Kari.”

“Well, she is in the back with your mom getting dressed for the day. Is everything alright?”

“Yes dad. Everything is great. I can’t explain right now, but I promise you will know it all in a bit. I just need to get my daughter and get home.” he nods his head.