Page 95 of Ever Dark


Honeyed fingers, poisoned tongue. Sharpest is the kiss that feeds. There is no dream in which I’m from. Lost between the Wishing Trees.

My hand throbs as I drift in and out. He’s here…

Roses bring thorns. Night is ever black. When the raven comes, the Crane will attack. Heads will roll when the shadow plays. Stick close to the trail of unmarked Graves.

They’re all here. My four beautiful monsters. I wince as I roll over onto my side and attempt to sit up. A sharp pain shoots down my wrist. Fuck. My head buzzes from the poison still swimming in my veins.

“I hope this is what you meant in your letter, Emma,” I whisper. The fire crackles, startling me to my feet. I wrap the blanket around my arms and creep toward the door. I listen, my heart racing. Are they getting along or trying to kill each other? It’s too quiet. Maybe I dreamed the wholething up.

But as I make my way downstairs, muffled voices sound from the kitchen. I take a deep breath before entering.

“Holy, shit,” I say on the exhale.

Nox is fucking here.

His black hair hangs loose around his horns, the tips of his strands grazing his enormous shoulders. I drink in the sight of him with fresh eyes. He looks the same but different here; his skin’s more golden under the track lights.

And he’s wearing clothes. The black cashmere sweater and black slacks barely fit him, accentuating his ripped muscles more. He winds his tail around his legs, reminding me of all the things he can do with it.

Aries, Bones, and Draven lean against the counters, drinks in hand. Whiskey and gin before noon seems appropriate after last night.

I swallow down the lump in my throat. “Hi.”

“Good morning, beautiful,” Bones murmurs.

Aries hands me a steaming mug of black coffee. “I can make you breakfast, too, if you’re hungry.”

I take a sip of the hot liquid, and my stomach growls. But I’m too nervous to eat. “Maybe later. Thank you.”

It’s hard not to look at Nox. “Your eyes… they’re black.”

He nods in response.

“Let’s give them some space,” Draven demands.

Before they file out, I grab his hand. “I’m still yours,” I whisper.

His eyes darken. “I know. We’ve already discussed a schedule.”

I almost laugh out loud at the absurdity. “Not with me, you didn’t.” I pull his waist toward me so our chests are touching. “Of course, we’re going to have our alone time. But I want you together too.”

He presses his forehead against mine. “I’ll give you whatever you want, Trouble.”

Nox tenses at our display of affection. I kiss Draven on the cheek before he follows Aries and Bones out into the foyer.

“They worship you as I do.”

He looks strange in my kitchen. After all these years, my whole life, of only ever seeing him in a fever dream… to have him standing here in front of me, in my house, is jarring.

“I can’t believe you’re here. Can I touch you?” I feel like a nervous teenager again, unsure of how to connect with him.

He blows out a deep breath. “I want nothing more.”

I cross the room to him and place my hands on his chest. He’s more solid—sturdier. Nothing can break him.

He bows his head. “What’s wrong with my eyes?”