I lose my breath somewhere between my lungs and my throat. A weight slams into my chest. I feel his claws around my wrist, securing me to the bedposts. “Mmm,” I moan even though I want to break free. I know what he does to me. How he makes my body feel. I can’t ever resist it.
“Open yourself to me, dark one. Spread those thick thighs and welcome me home.” Nox’s forked cock slithers against me, tickling the folds of my pussy. I’m dripping with sweat, still somewhat anchored to reality. I feel the sheets around me, damp andhot. But it’s fleeting as Nox teases my entrance, pulling me back to him and his twisted game.
I arch my hips to allow him access. “Just this once, then you have to let me wake up.”
He hums in my ear. “You can wake up anytime you want, dark one. You’re here because you crave this as much as I do.”Thrust
A gurgled cry escapes my throat as the force of his enormous cock plows through me. His two tips twist and tangle around each other while they work against my inner walls. I grab onto his horns for leverage and sink into the mattress, letting him destroy me like he’s done almost every night since I was eighteen years old.
Seven years.
The things I’ve fucking lost for him… The people I’ve pushed away for his sinful pleasure.
“You are mine, Mia. Do what you must when you are awake, but down here, you are all mine.” He hits a spot so deep inside me that I almost black out. His cock swells to a full eight inches, stretching me, destroying me in the most exquisite way.
When his unholy body is inside mine, I’m more of a monster than he is. I feel the darkness growing, promising to consume me and whatever sanity I have left.
I buck and writhe on his smooth hard cock. The veins in his shaft protrude out and push against my folds, pulsing with need. I clench around him, desperate to milk every inch of him.
“That’s it, my dark beauty. Use me. Fuck me until you’re too tired to even breathe.”
His voice is my trigger. My comfort and my torment. He’s been haunting me since I was a child.Since I was born. My beautiful, twisted monster.
“Nox,” I whine. “Please…”
An animalistic growl erupts from his chest as he drives in deeper, harder, faster, as we claw at each other. He leaves scratcheson my skin. I yelp as he bows his head to my chest and sinks his sharp teeth into my collarbone. “Mine.”
“Yes. I’m cumming. Fuck.” I squirm, clenching around him as the ecstasy transports me. It’s a deep rumble, sparked by filthy claws, coaxed by his forked tongue and forked cock. The spasms roll through me like waves crashing onto a barren shore.
I scream and cry and dig my nails into his massive frame, knowing that I can’t ever hurt him. My nightmare man. My Nox. He’s unbreakable and relentless, crushing my resolve over and over again. I can’t escape him. He’s my curse, my sickness. And because of him, I’ve destroyed everything good that I’ve ever touched.
I cum hard, my juices soaking his cock. But my eyelids are heavy and weighted. “Let me sleep now, Nox. Please.”
He kisses my forehead, his tongue darting out to lick both of my brows. I shudder as I try to fight the urge to beg for more. I know what that tongue feels like inside my traitorous pussy. But I need rest. I have to keep these boundaries, or his love might actually kill me.
“Yes, my love. My dark one. I’ll set you free for tonight. Sleep well. I’ll summon you again soon.”
And like a flip of a switch, I’m freefalling back toward home. Toward my bed at Harker Mansion. Back toward hot and sweaty crumpled sheets.
I jump at the sound of the tea kettle whistling. My brain is still foggy as I try desperately to ground myself in the present. It never gets easier. Shame fills me when I see the scratches on my wrists. Real-life marks that can’t be explained with any logical reasoning. I used to think I inflicted them on myself. Until the morning I woke up with teeth marks on my neck…
I clench my thighs together, my pussy sore and missing the sensation of his monstrous cock. My cheeks burn with indignation. Thepriest’s accusation echoes in my mind—you’re sick, Mia. We need to get the sickness out of you.
They didn’t believe me. Not the priest nor the nuns at the orphanage, not even my ex-fiancé wanted to listen. Ican’tget Nox out of me. This is why I’m better off alone. It’s exhausting enough to be ensnared by Nox every time I sleep. I don’t have the energy to explain where I go when I close my eyes. Not when I don’t even understand it myself.
“Fuck.” I zoned out again. I pull out the tea bag and add another scoop of sugar to balance the bitterness. I need the extra caffeine anyway. I’m determined to stay up for at least three days this time. I still have boxes to unpack, and I need to find a room in this enormous house to set up my easels. It’s been weeks since I’ve painted anything. The suppression of creativity threatens to kill me more than Nox’s torment. More than the lack of sleep that I’ll need to combat it.
I sip my tea in eerie silence. It still hasn’t really sunk in. I have so many questions, ones I’ve carried my whole life. Why did my family give me up when they had all of this? I look around the commercial-size kitchen. It’s bigger than my last apartment in Raven’s Gate. I wish I could ask them myself. But there’s no one to ask. They’re all dead.
The only family I have left is that quirky professor from Tenebrose Academy, Dorian Harker. I’m grateful he got me out of Absentia Asylum, but then he just disappeared. He won’t return my calls or texts. I’m at a loss. But they couldn’t have hated me that much if they left me everything they owned.
I’m not even sure what to do with all this space… Not to mention the money and the assets. When I first found out how rich my family was, I was angry. I had nothing my whole life. After I left the orphanage in Wickford Hollow, I was on the streets. Safety and security came in spurts and never lasted long. I starved some nights and almost froze to death on others. But Nox was always there. I let him become my crutch. My comfort. He likes it when I need him.
But now… my anger has faded into genuine curiosity. I want answers. And I feel like somewhere in this house, or in this town, lies the truth of who I am. OfwhyI am the way I am.
The first peek of the sun streams through the front window, drawing my attention to the enormous stretch of property that surrounds me. It’s all mine. So why does it make me feel more alone than ever?
I sigh as I remember the stack of letters on the counter. Someone named Draven Blackwell has made three offers on this house and the surrounding property.I just fucking got here.Selling is the last thing I want to do.