Page 21 of Ever Dark

A twinge of envy sparks up when I see how effortless it is for Villette to mingle. She’s beautiful and nice, which is a rare combination. People genuinely like her. I can see it in the way they look at her.

Having grown up in an orphanage, I’m not used to social situations. Even the art gallery parties were awkward for me because I didn’t have the experiences normal teenagers usually have. When I wasn’t spiraling into a sleep coma with Nox, I had my nose in a book in the orphanage’s library. There were no spring break trips, no weekends at the mall, and no boys to gush over. I’m basically a weirdo with zero social skills.

But Villette makes it look easy. I bet she had a great fucking upbringing. And not because her family’s rich, although I’m sure that helped, but she has the aura of someone whose parents love her.

I smile and nod when Villette hands me a glass of white wine. As I curl my fingers around the stem, I notice my chipped black nail polish. Ugh. I should’ve touched them up before tonight. That’s just another example of how ill-equipped I am for polite society.

After meeting several more groups of people equally as nice as her—rich and beautiful and also very polite—we take up a spot against the far wall next to a sleek black Mustang. It’s custom-painted with shiny chrome rims and windows that are tinted so dark you can’t see inside at all.

The hood is propped open to show off the car’s brand-new engine. “Wow. Your brother did all this?”

Villette nods. “Yup. He’s been working on cars since we were kids. Much to my father’s disappointment.”

The first crack in her perfect façade. Interesting. “Why? He’s really talented.”

She arches an eyebrow at me. “You know about cars?”

I shrug. “A little. One of the nuns at the orphanage was also a mechanic. She let me watch her work in the yard a few times.”I helped her restore an old Chevy Impala one summer, but Lettie doesn’t need to know all that.

Her eyes widen. “You are full of surprises.” She waves to someone behind me. “Bones, come meet my new friend. She knows more about cars than you do.” She winks at me.

My cheeks burn. “Oh, no. I don’t know anything, really. Please don’t tell him that.”

She laughs as I feel a draft blow past me, carrying scents of cedar, motor oil, and tobacco. The man, who I assume is her brother, throws an arm around her neck and gives her a peck on the forehead. “What are you yapping on about, Lettie?”

Holy hell, he is fucking ripped. Wearing a tight white cashmere sweater with the sleeves rolled up and low-slung jeans, his knuckles bandaged with blood stains seeping through, he’s a combination of sexy and dangerous. His chiseled forearms are covered in tattoos, and they don’t stop there. Black and gray ink peeks out from his collarbone, traveling all the way up to his jaw. He’s fucking gorgeous in a raw, unkempt way.

“Bones meet Mia. Mia, Bones. She just moved into Harker mansion. So be nice, big brother.”

My breath hitches when he turns to face me. His eyes… there’s something about them. His gaze is intense—alluring and haunting. I feel like my insides curdle, melting, as he stares back at me.

“Nice to meet you.” His tone is flat and cold. He gives Villetteanother quick peck on the forehead. “I gotta go take care of something. Enjoy the party, little sister. And stay out of trouble. You tell me if anyone here fucks with you.”

She rolls her eyes. “Everyone knows I’m your sister. They’ll only fuck with me if they have a death wish.”

He looks away, avoiding looking at both of us. “That’s because they’re smart.”

She playfully punches him in the arm. “No. It’s because you’reyou.”

Bones flashes her a wicked grin before ambling off without another word or glance back. Fuck. He has zero warmth toward me.Maybe that Draven guy has already told everyone not to be friends with me. Could one person really hold that much power over a town?

“Don’t worry about Bones. He warms up once you get to know him better. Sorry if he seems rude. That’s just his schtick.” Her eyes sparkle with obvious love and admiration for her brother.

I shake my head. “No worries. I’m the newbie here. He probably just doesn’t want to make his girlfriend jealous.”Okay, so now I’m fishing?I’m such a hot mess.

Villette almost spits out her drink. She chokes back a sip of chardonnay, wiping her mouth with her sleeve as some of it drips out. “Bones hasneverhad a girlfriend. All he cares about are his friends and this shop.” She laughs. “Fuck, that was funny. My parents would sell their souls to see him settle down, but they gave up on that years ago. My oldest brother, Felix, finally met someone, so that is keeping them occupied.”

I nod, even more embarrassed than I was to begin with. “Gotcha. So he’s just a dick then?” I tease.

“Pretty much.”

We both laugh at that, but I can’t shake the feeling that I know him from somewhere. His brown eyes and long black lashes… I’ve seen them before. He was probably at Duff’s the other night. That’s the only other place I’ve been since I arrived in this strange town.

Villette excuses herself to go to the restroom after profusely promising to be right back. She’s too sweet for her own good. I assure her that I’m a big girl and can handle a few minutes of being by myself.

I’m admiring the Mustang’s engine when another beautiful man catches my eye. Fuck. Now this one, I know for sure.Aries fucking Thorn. Of course, he’d be at this party. With his designer suit and million-dollar smile, he’s the type of guy who parties were designed for.

I’m a little tipsy and sleep-deprived. But I don’t have time to talk myself out of it because I’m already charging toward him before I can think any other rational thoughts.