Page 93 of Kiss the Villain

I grab him by the head and shove him down, holding him underwater as he tries to overpower me. Motherfucker interrupted my train of thought.

See, I can beat someone bigger than me.

You just choose not to with Kayden, you little slut.

Fuck off, demon.

“Gareth?” Jeremy looks at me as if I’ve been possessed and is considering whether or not to call the local priest.

I loosen my grip, allowing Niko to resurface again, but before he comes for the attack, I lift myself out of the pool.

“Boo!” Niko yells. “Come back here and fight me, you boring bitch.”

“Not in the mood for your antics.” I remove my shirt and shorts, remaining in my boxers, then dry myself.

I run a towel through my hair as I grab my phone and head upstairs. My steps falter in the middle of the stairs, a rush of electricity bolting through me when I see a text.


I’m hurt. Are you seriously not going to check to see if I’m dead?


I was hoping you were.

Ouch. Direct hit to the heart.

Surprised you have one tbh.

Full. Words.


Why are you yelling?

Because I want to punch you.

You always let the violence take over, baby. I’m starting to enjoy it.

A shiver goes through me and I doubt it’s because of the cold.

The fire that’s been consuming me is so strong now, I feel like exploding.

Don’t call me that if you’re just going to disappear.

But I was sick.

With pathological lying, because you weren’t home.

My, upping the stalking game?

Don’t deflect.

I was seriously ill. Had to be treated at a private clinic in Switzerland.

You want me to believe that?

It’s your choice whether or not you believe me, but I did miss you, baby.