Page 92 of Kiss the Villain

You’re not necessarily gay, but it sounds like there’s a deeper emotional tension at play. Stepping back to examine your relationship with power, control, and submission might help. These dynamics can sometimes blur with sexual attraction, especially when they challenge your understanding of desire.

I exit the thread and turn off notifications when everyone starts asking about any updates and putting forth personal questions. One of them said, ‘Big dick?’ and I wanted to reach out and punch them and say, ‘So is mine. Your point?’

It’s not about dick size. Bunch of morons.

This was a shit idea in the first place.

Also, why is everyone talking about emotions and stupid shit I don’t even relate to?

Useless. Every last one of them.

A few people message me, and I ignore them, too, but one catches my interest.


Hey, man, I’m actually going through the exact same thing right now. I’ve never been attracted to a guy before, but this one guy is flipping my world upside down, and suddenly, I’m feeling all kinds of things I didn’t expect. It’s confusing af, like my brain can’t keep up with it all and it's kinda affecting my day-to-day life. So, yeah, just wanted to let you know you're not the only one dealing with this.

TooPrettyForThisMess (What? I am.)

Thank fuck. It’s kind of driving me insane ngl.

Bcz u want it or don’t want it?

Idk, I don’t think I mind oral anymore, but even that is hard to admit out loud.

Ever thought of trying with other guys?

Why? U offering?

Nah, idk where to start with that tbh lol but heard from a friend of a friend that porn helps

Can’t watch that. I don’t find it hot like at all. I find all porn cringe somehow.

Man, you might be on the asexual spectrum.

The ones who don’t like/don’t have sex? Because I do.

Nah, ace is actually a whole spectrum. Like you might not like sex at all or you may only like masturbation. You can also love your partner but don’t want to engage in physical action, or you might be demi where you only become sexually attracted to the person you develop feelings for. Or gray which is like experiencing limited sexual attraction. TMI lol I’ve been reading too much about it lately. Take a look around. You might find it enlightening.

I’m still rereading the guy’s text when my phone slips from my hand, clattering to the ground as I’m yanked suddenly.

By Nikolai.

Before I can react, he’s dragging me toward the pool. “Got you!”

I’m soaked in a second as he holds my head underwater and his laugh echoes in the air. “Told you to join. Should’ve listened!”

Instead of flailing around, I just float still, thinking about what the dude said on Reddit.

Should I just try another guy. Is that it? Taste someone else’s cum and touch someone else’s abs? And suck someone else’s dick?

Why does the mere idea disgust me?

“You’re gonna fucking kill him, Niko!” Jeremy’s voice reaches me first before he pulls me from the water.

I suck in a breath, gasping, only then noticing the fire in my lungs.

“Pfft, it doesn’t take that little to kill my Gaz.” Niko headlocks me, jamming his fist against my head. “Right?”