Page 81 of Kiss the Villain

His eyes widen, his body losing the tension, but that unsure edge still lingers on his pretty face. “Really?”

“Really. If you manage to flip us over so you’re on top, I’ll let you do it.”

Most people would have a moment of hesitation, a few seconds where they think of the meaning or derive the best strategy.

Carson, however, doesn’t waste time.

He bucks his entire body and grabs my arm to flip us. Unfortunately for him, I’ve already tightened my grip on his throat, my hand on his waist as I shove my knee further into his cock until he groans.

But he doesn’t give up. Not when his face turns red or when his cock pulses against my knee, enjoying the wrestling a bit too much.

“We both get off on violence,” I whisper against his ear. “You’re just playing with fire now.”

“Fuck you.”

I bite down on the lobe. “Language, baby.”

“Ugh—” He flails and even tries to knee me, but the position doesn’t allow him to.

It doesn’t matter that he works out and has a vigorous archery practicing schedule. I’m a trained killing machine he’ll never win against.

That’s why I made the offer—to make sure he loses, gives up, and sees there’s no other way.

“You done?” I lick his lower lip, and it twitches, the wound oozing blood again. “Ready for my cock now?”

A shock goes through me.


The next thing I know, I’m holding on to the island, then he kicks me and I’m on the ground.

Bolts of electricity surge through me, and I look up to see him holding a Taser, his chest heaving, hoodie pushed up to reveal a sliver of his waist.

“I should’ve electrocuted you in that tub, but then again, I don’t want you to die yet.” He pants, a little grin spreading across his face as those deep dimples make their first genuine appearance.

Deep. Mischievous. Malicious.

“It’s time I play with you, Kayde.” Then he grabs my arms and starts dragging me across the floor.



This wasn’t really part of the plan.

Not that I know what the plan was exactly except that I needed to confirm he wasn’t fucking another student.

It’s not thatIcare, but it’s pride.

Something related to my demon’s ego.

Okay, so maybe I’ve kind of got gory thoughts fit for snuff movies about the students who could’ve sucked his cock.

And abouthim.

Which is why I bought the Taser.

Listen, I meant to use it to torture him for answers, but then he said I was his one and only and that kind of confused the shit out of me. Because I liked it. So much so, I think I was speechless.