The prick demon is begging to be killed.
“So?” Niko peers down on me. “What? Tell me. Tell me! What should I have heard?”
I shove him away. “Stop doing that shit.”
“Not until you answer my question.”
I palm my face. “I love women. Happy?”
“What about men?”
“I…don’t know. Could be.” I can’t believe I’m admitting this out loud. I don’t even believe it myself, but I want to talk to someone about it—even cryptically.
Niko came out as bi over four years ago and he’s the happiest goddamn queer I know.
I don’t care about others’ sexuality, and, really, Niko has the most adventures among us.
But me? Gay? No way in hell. It’s not actually about being gay. I’m open to that idea, but I’llneverbe fucked.
Not in this lifetime.
Could I do the fucking, though?
I think that’s okay, right?
I clear my throat, chasing away the cloud of confusion. “Why are you probing?”
His eyes spark in a rare thoughtful gleam. “I’m testing something. When did you discover you like men?”
“I don’t like men. Jesus.” I hurry to the door, knowing Kill could be listening, and then close it.
Niko is poor at connecting patterns; my brother isn’t. He’d definitely get involved if he knew about Kayden, and they would clash.
Maybe kill each other.
And this isn’t any of my brother’s business.
I need to learn more about Kayden and then destroy him. Maybe after that, I’ll let Kill take care of the scraps.
Facing Niko, I lean against the door, my arms and ankles crossed. “I’m not sure. I don’t know. I love fucking women, but…”A certain man always makes me come like I never have before.
“But what?” He stalks toward me, then tilts his head to the side as he looks at me with those wide manic eyes. “What changed your mind?”
“I didn’t change my mind and, seriously, stop looking so intense. It’s creepy.”
“Blah fucking blah, just tell me what made your straight ass sway on the line. Figuratively, of course. Or is it literally?”
“Fuck you, asshole,” I mutter, then close my eyes.
Maybe it’s because the last couple of weeks have been weighing on me or because I can’t just keep it all to myself, but I say, “If you tell anyone about this, especially Kill, I’ll murder you.”
“I won’t if you just fess up. What made you change lanes?”
“I’m not sure I did—orwould,for that matter. It’s just…one person. That’s it.”
Fuck me.
Is that even a thing? Finding one man attractive?