Lost and I don’t exist in the same universe, and yet I can’t help but think that gathering info about him won’t quite solve the big mystery.
The wayIreact to him.
So let’s take this logically.
I’ve been straight my entire almost twenty-two years of life. My first actual crush and loss was a girl.
I’ve never, and I meannever, looked at a guy and been like ‘Sick body, bro,’ ‘That’s a hot dick,’ or ‘I wonder what your cum tastes like.’ I barely notice shit about girls, let alone guys.
Closing my eyes, I picture tits, like Cherry’s or Morgan’s. Let’s go with Morgan—hers are bigger. Hmm. Is that hot? I guess?
I swear it used to do something to me. Round, full tits, soft and pliant in my hands, the perky nipples engorging beneath my touch…
Images of my own nipples being squeezed and bitten and pinched rush in. Instead of tits, it’s large, hard muscles with a snake tattoo?—
My eyes snap open and I groan as my dick twitches.You better not, bitch. I’m warning you.
This isn’t working. I seem to have lost my attraction to girls. I mean, not completely, but I’d still need to force myself into the mood to fuck—which is what I’ve been doing my whole life, really.
And I’m not attracted to men.
I need an experiment.
Unlocking my phone, I open a browser and type ‘gay porn.’
It’s beyond ridiculous, but I want to confirm I’m not having some sexuality crisis.
You totally are *giggles*
Shut up, demon.
After putting my earbuds in, I click one of the most viewed videos and watch.
First thought: the fake, corny sounds grate on my very last nerve.
So I click on something else. The fake noises make me want to reach into the screen and shake the fuck out of them.
I type ‘amateur’ and go from there. These are better, at least they’re not too fake and the noises aren’t grating, but they still do nothing for me. If anything, I’m angling my head and watching them with pure objectivity as if it’s an assignment.
If I were gay, I’d find this hot, right?
But I don’t. Actually, I’m bored.
That means I’m not gay.
End of the story.
In your face, demon.
Though straight porn does nothing for me either, but that’s not for here or now.
I’m about to close the browser when one of the guys on the screen starts fingering the other dude’s ass and I swallow. Not because of what’s on the screen, but because I’m seeing the image of that damn bastard behind me.
I close my eyes as my dick twitches back to life, throbbing as the sensations from last night play in my mind.
The porn video’s sound pauses, and I startle when a text pops up at the top of the screen. And it’s from none other than the asshole himself.