Kayden and I exchange a glance a few times throughout the evening and he strokes my thigh every now and then. He knows what I’m thinking, that I can’t stand not touching him even for a while. I can see it in his small, knowing smirks.
Watching Niko being tamed by Bran is like watching myself through someone else’s eyes. The clinginess, the chaos, the need to show off—yeah, that’s me.
After dinner, Niko is bickering with Kayden over dessert. Something about how “macarons are superior to whatever boring shit you brought.” I leave them to it, grabbing Bran and pulling him toward the sitting room.
Moka is curled up on Bran’s lap not five minutes later, purring like a spoiled queen as he strokes her fur.
“She usually doesn’t like strangers,” I say, narrowing my eyes at my little traitor. “She’s not this friendly with anyone but Kayden and me.”
Bran shrugs, his smile soft. “Animals and children usually like me.”
I lean back, arms crossed. “Makes sense. Nikodoeshave the personality of a hyperactive toddler. Kudos to you for keeping up with him.”
Bran laughs, his blue eyes bright as he steals a glance at my cousin, who’s still loudly debating Kayden in the kitchen. “He’s the one who kept up with me, really. This is nothing. If anything, I’m happy to see him happy.”
“He’s been over the moon since he started introducing you to us.”
A flicker of sadness crosses his face, dimming the light in his eyes for a moment. “That’s because I insisted we stay a secret for too long. I wish I’d been more courageous earlier and came out sooner.”
“You shouldn’t blame yourself for that. Coming out is a different experience for everyone. I don’t have the best track record myself.”
He tilts his head, studying me. “Niko said Kayden was your professor, so you had aviablereason to keep things quiet.”
“There’s no such thing as aviablereason. Coming out is personal, and it depends on the person, and this is coming from someone who had a massive struggle with my sexuality in the beginning.”
“Me too, for years, actually. If Niko hadn’t come along, I have no idea where I would be.”
“Honestly, same. Kayde kind of pulled me out kicking and screaming.”
“Wow. We have that in common, too.” He grins. “I think, aside from Mia, you’re my new favorite from all of Niko’s entourage.”
“FormerConfused Dick Alliancenot to be mistaken for Niko’sFun Dick Alliance?”
He chuckles, but before he can respond, Niko bursts into the room.
“What’s making my lotus flower laugh?” he demands, wedging himself between us on the sofa.
“Me, obviously,” I say, smirking.
Niko narrows his eyes and then does the mostNikothing ever—he shoves me off the sofa and wraps his arms around Bran like a possessive octopus.
“OnlyIget to make him laugh,” he declares, pressing a dramatic kiss to Bran’s cheek.
“Stop being dramatic,” Bran mutters, though his smile suggests he doesn’t mind one bit.
They’re still tangled together when I make my way to the kitchen, where Kayden leans against the counter, arms crossed and a faint frown tugging at his lips.
I slip my arms around his waist, pressing against him. “What?”
“Don’t be so charming with others,” he murmurs, his voice low and rough.
I grin, leaning up on my tiptoes. “Jealous?”
“You know I am.”
“Mmm.” My grin widens. “I guess I’ll try to tone it down.”