Something curious happens then. Something that literally sets the butterflies ablaze in my stomach.
Because not only does Kayden stiffen, but his eyes darken like I’ve never seen before, lighting up, becoming frightening, even.
His hand tightens around my waist, the pads digging into my muscles as he speaks in that firm, nonnegotiable tone. “Listen to me, Gareth, I don’t know where that came from, but I willnotbe sharing you with anyone. Are we fucking clear?”
“I’m just asking. No need to look murderous.”
“Would you be open to sharing me with someone else?”
I grab his throat. “No way in fuck. I’d kill them, you know I would.”
“Then you know exactly how I feel.” He pulls my hand from his throat, frowning. “What made you think that anyway? You can barely walk after I’m done with you, so I like to think you’re thoroughly satisfied.”
“Damn straight I am. I definitely don’t want a threesome.”
“There’s a reason you brought that up.” He strokes my cheek again. “Tell me.”
“It’s not important.”
“I’ll be the judge. Talk to me, Gareth.”
“It’s just Simone said you often shared Cassandra and had an open marriage, so I wanted to see if you felt the same about me.”
“I told you, I never loved her, so I went along with what she wanted. But with you, I get downright murderous at the thought of someone else touching you. It makes me fucking unhinged. I don’t even like thinking about all the girls who had you before me.”
“Because you love me and are possessive of me and can’t live without me?”
“Correct on all accounts.” His lips brush against my forehead, and it’s my favorite kiss. It’s like he’s worshipping me every time he does it. “So don’t bring up this subject again.”
“I won’t. I’m as possessive as you, and I get all stabby and shit at the thought of someone else.”
“I love your violent brain.”
“Because you can tame it?”
“Because you let me inside it.”
“Well, you let me inside yours, too.”
“You happen to be my favorite little monster.”
“And you’re my favorite villain, baby.”
“Wake up, sleepyhead.”
I groan, burying my face deeper into Kayden’s neck. “Five more minutes.”
A soft chuckle rumbles through his chest, the sound floods my ears and ripples through me. “As much as I love watching your sleepy face, your cousin will be here any minute.”
I groan harder, tightening my arms around his shoulders. It’s not like Imeantto take a nap or anything, but it’s the weekend, and I haven’t seen much of him this week because he’s been busy with work. And by "much," I mean I’ve only been seeing him in the evenings, which is far from enough in my book.
Anyway, he was sitting on the sofa, going through his tablet, and I kind of climbed into his lap like a koala, wrapping myself around him, my head resting on his shoulder. I’d meant to recharge for a bit—just a moment of peace—but then I fell asleep.
And he let me.
I love how he always lets me attach myself to him whenever and however I please. He doesn’t even flinch when I jump on him out of nowhere or hug him from behind while he’s doing the most mundane things. Or when I get on his lap when he’s working or something.
Truth be told, I know I’m a goddamn clingy pest sometimes, but he never complains.